5 Crossfit Exercises For The Gym

5 Crossfit Exercises For The Gym

Crossfit exercises go beyond lifting weights and having a marked muscle. It is a training philosophy that is based on the activation of each muscle to increase strength, burn calories without losing muscle mass, and tone the whole body. It’s very important to know what CrossFit is before you start practicing it.

If you want to try one of the fashion workouts, it’s time to show what Crossfit’s best exercises are to train in the whole body gym. With constancy and these exercises, you will be one step closer to being able to do a perfect CrossFit snatch.

What Does It Take To Do CrossFit In The Gym?

In principle, your working tools will be your muscles. As a support, you will need items such as bars, better of the Olympic type; dumbbells, as an alternative for Crossfit workouts if the bar is not available – as long as it is possible, moreover, they are hexagonal dumbbells.

You can also use Russian weights or kettlebells, interesting for the type of muscle stimulus it generate during the exercise run; the dominance bar and rings, which allow more complete exercises of strength, coordination, and precision; and, finally, cardio machines (and within them, preferably the rowing machine).

You may be interested: What is the Crossfit?

Barbell Squats Or How To Increase The Effectiveness of Squats

If in the article on how to do CrossFit at home, we talked about sitting and working all the muscles of the lower core and the lower train, by introducing the bar element we managed to involve the same movement to the top train, thus creating a more holistic CrossFit exercise.

To execute it correctly, the legs have been placed with a separation greater than the one that marks the distance between the shoulders, and flex the legs until you get a deep squat and grab the training bar. Return should be slow to avoid damage and injury.

Rowing Machine or CrossFit Exercises For The Gym

Looking for CrossFit exercises to do in the gym where all the main muscle groups work? Then machine rowing will become a challenge and an ally, as, in addition to being a good exercise of the aerobic type, it mobilizes all the muscles of the back, arms, shoulders, and even legs.

To do this, the feet are placed on the machine and the bar is fastened with both hands. The legs should be flexed and the arms stretched. The movement of the machine is what generates that much of the muscles of the body are mobilized, as it requires pulling from the bar. When the bar gets to the chest, we repeat the move.

Box Jumps

Box Jumps or drawer jumps are Crossfit exercise modes we only recommend doing in the gym under the supervision of an instructor. They are a very explosive type of exercise, which helps burn many calories and fats and work the balance and strength on the lower train.

How do you make the jumps to the drawer? With your feet in parallel and at the same time, you leap. Both feet must reach the drawer to confirm that it has been achieved. The arms are only used here for momentum and balance.

Ring Bottoms

I’m sure you’ve seen him at the Olympic Games or the Athletics World Cups. The rings are preferable to the parallel or the banks if you have them in your gym, as they bring more demanding instability.

To complete this CrossFit exercise in your gym, you have to jump and hold both hands to the rings. The arms are as close to the body as possible. From here, the arms flex to a maximum of 90 degrees and resume to the initial position.

Best Crossfit Exercises For The Gym: Cluster

Clusters are a combined Crossfit exercise mode of press military and basic squat. As in the squat with a bar, here we manage to involve arms, shoulders, back, and legs in full. The weight and ballast you use in the load will depend on your goals and the shape state you are in.

To make the cluster you have to start from the bar on the shoulders, but IN FRONT of the neck. To do this, we encourage you to practice the load of halterophilia. Once loaded, the squatter continues. Upon returning to the initial position, they take the arms to the maximum so that they remain stretched. In the descent, we chain with the next repetition of the squat.
