5 Foods With Magnesium

5 Foods With Magnesium

Within the essential nutrients for health, we highlight a mineral like magnesium. This is an essential component for the organism since it intervenes in more than 300 biochemical reactions of the human body; for example, it contributes to our immune system being in full shape, works so that we have a strong and healthy heart and, finally, optimizes the functioning of the muscles and strengthens the bones.

To have a healthy life, there is nothing better than betting on a varied and balanced diet in which we include the vitamins and minerals essential for the body. Magnesium is one of them and, therefore, here we will discover 5 foods with magnesium that you can include in your food routine from today.

List of Foods Rich in Magnesium:

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. About 60% is found in the bones, and the rest of the percentage is distributed between muscles, soft tissues, and fluids, including blood. Each cell contains the mineral, and its function it is to help in the chemical reactions performed by anatomical units.

The necessary and suitable amounts of magnesium in the body vary depending on age: children of one year or one need up to four times less magnesium than an adult male over 30 years of age; and physical exercise that is performed: athletes need more magnesium to avoid injury through the movement of sugar in the muscles; it also eliminates lactic acid. On a normal diet, the average magnesium in an adult is 66%. The foods with the most magnesium are:

– Whole Wheat

– Spinach

– Quinoa

– Almond

– Tofu

– Avocado

  • Whole wheat:

It can be consumed in bread toast, breakfast cereals, or pasta. All whole products contain a good amount of ore, although in wheat it is much higher: 167 gr of magnesium per 100 gr of flour.

It is a cereal that contains many proteins of biological value, but also a lot of magnesium, a cup provides 118 mg. It is a very healthy and very appetizing food, with a soft flavor, and can be made with a wide variety of dishes.

They are vegetables high in iron and magnesium, 100gr contains 79mg of magnesium. You can consume boils accompanied by meat or fish, or in healthy salad with raw leaves.

  • Almonds

Almonds are one of the foods rich in magnesium, but they also provide fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins B and E, calcium, and iron…; they are a complete food for children and athletes, although their consumption should not be excessive. They also help maintain the cholesterol level and can be mixed with almost any dish, both sweet and salty.

  • Dark chocolate, rich and surprising food rich in magnesium

Its base is cocoa which is a great source of magnesium, a bar of this rich sugar-free food provides 28 mg, which is equivalent to 7% of the amount recommended for each day. It can be consumed in desserts, liquid, or solid.

The Function of Magnesium:

Magnesium is an indispensable mineral nutrient to keep the body healthy. It is within the type of trace elements, and although most are obtained through food, if there are health problems the doctor may recommend a supplement. The opposite effect, excess magnesium in the body, may also occur; this produces hypermagnesemia, and the most common cause is generated by kidney failure, as the kidneys cannot normally excrete magnesium.

The body performs biochemical reactions in which magnesium is needed to produce energy and proteins. It is also necessary in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, for the strengthening of the bones, and the immune system; in addition, it keeps the heartbeat constant and regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.

Magnesium also intervenes in brain function, as magnesium deficiency is related to mood depression; it is effective against diabetes because it controls blood sugar and reduces insulin resistance; even, this mineral improves premenstrual symptoms in women.
