Anxiety: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, Prevention And Treatment


I’m sure on more than one occasion you’ve felt an overwhelming concern, which in many cases limits your ability to react and respond. Especially when faced with situations we understand as difficult for ourselves, as it can be to speak in public. That feeling that dominates your body is called anxiety, and yes, it’s very common in all kinds of people. Even those who have a greater degree of self-confidence. No one is completely free to live episodes of anxiety with greater or lesser intensity.

Stress and uncertainty are emotions that affect how the body reacts. And they’re not always negative spurs. In certain people, the feeling of anxiety is a revulsive to increase their productivity and efficiency in the tasks they undertake. In most cases, however, anxiety is a burden to lead a normal life. Thus, an event tends to overevaluate in terms of consequences and options, distorting the real danger it can generate.

Anxiety disorders are very common and fortunately, numerous treatments have proven their effectiveness in neutralizing and learning how to manage it.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a reaction of the body and our mind to stress. Usually, it is a method of alertness to our senses, however, when it gets worse and presented in the form of fears, phobias, and terrors, it leads to a mental crisis that affects how we cope with the day-to-day. Even the most small details acquire a capital dimension, exaggerated.

Anxiety not knowing about age or sex. Its affectation is as common and at the same time important, that it has been classified as a disease, and of course, you require treatment.

Anxiety can take many forms: it can be a generalized anxiety disorder (the most common), or from a phobia to a specific situation or element, such as social anxiety disorder. It can also occur in the form of selective mutism or be inferred by the intake of certain types of substances and medications.

Causes of Anxiety

Unfortunately, there is not a single cause for anxiety that generates the pictures of this disease in people, nor are there people predisposed to this disease. As the various studies on anxiety have shown, its origin must be traced to a sum of factors that combined provoke this emotion. Thus, in addition to the social environment, genetics also has an important weight in which some people have anxiety and others with the same circumstances and characteristics do not.

However, it has been confirmed that women are more sensitive to anxiety than men. It has also been studied how according to the person’s personality, it is more or less likely to develop anxiety. Thus, people who are shy or pessimistic, by nature, are among the types of people with the most options to suffer anxiety at some point in their lives. Having experienced dramatic and traumatic situations in the past and even in the present is another of the most common reasons among those who come with symptoms of anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Just as there is no clear pattern of causes that cause each of the types of anxiety that can develop, nor is there a fully defined symptomatology to identify if you are living an episode of anxiety. Usually, a patient with a common or generalized anxiety disorder may experience a sense of permanent anxiety a greater tendency to negative thoughts, and the feeling of being able to overcome any setbacks.

Similarly, it is common to encounter patients with anxiety who show an obvious lack of concentration, are more tired, and even use food as an escape route. This, in turn, generates insomnia and problems in the stomach and digestive system. In the most extreme cases, arrhythmias and palpitations can be felt.


Since it is a disease of the mind that affects the body, is it possible to prevent it? What should we do to prevent anxiety from dominating us? It is very important to understand that this disease has indissoluble personal ramifications for the person, so each case must be addressed individually.

Hence the difficulty of finding the perfect recipe to prevent anxiety. However, precisely in its nature, we find the keys to preventing how far this mental disorder is possible.

Thus, it is advisable to have a balanced diet, in which regular intake of alcohol, tobacco, or any other drug is avoided as much as possible. These have a counterproductive effect, since although at the moment they can generate a certain feeling of euphoria, once the “high” has passed, a valley is generated as deep as the adrenaline rush has been intense.

Another product that is harmful to people with anxiety or with a certain predisposition to live episodes of this disorder is coffee. Without reaching the extremes of drugs, being an exciting, with anxiety, generates a greater intensity in the sensations that the person has.

The right rest and moderate exercise are two of the actions that it costs the least to maintain and that also do more to remove the long shadow of anxiety. Of course, in the face of any of the symptoms, the GP should go to the GP to prevent the outbreak from going further.

Treatment for Anxiety

How anxiety treatment is addressed if each case is particular. Specialists pose to the patient, according to his or her situation and predisposition, some treatment options for anxiety and the problems that result from her: from cognitive-behavioral therapy to support groups.

There are also drug-based treatments. Whatever the feeling that overwhelms the person, it is vital for their evolution to the future that he quickly goes to the specialist’s consultation to begin his long way to a new life without anxiety and stress
