9 Home Remedies for Worms

9 Home Remedies for Worms

The intestinal worms are parasites that live in the gut and can make your guest sick. Many of them do not generate symptoms when the infection is mild, and when the signs are manifested they may be both at the gastrointestinal level and in other parts of the body. Although your treatment should always be supervised by your doctor, some natural remedies for intestinal worms could help.

Often, these therapies are described as a cleansing of parasites – or intestinal cleanliness. Although its effectiveness has been overestimated by some media, it is also true that it could be profiled as an interesting complement. In any case, a diagnosis or presence of such an infection should be dealt with by a professional to ensure his correct approach.

How Do You Get Intestinal Worms?

Bowelworms are easily transmitted from people or contaminated surfaces. In general, the main contagion vehicle is the eggs that deposit the parasites.

Using hands is a form of transmission of worms. This route meets the so-called anus-hand-mouth cycle. When the anal region is scratched as a result of itching, the eggs stick to the nails and, through them, reach the mouth.

Similarly, any contaminated surface, such as bedding, toys, food, or land, can be worm transmission routes. Humans are regular guests of these parasites, as they are part of their breeding cycle.

Mainly, infections can be protozoa (as in giardiasis, blastocysthiasis, and amebiasis), helminths (ascariasis, oxyuriasis, and anisakidosis), and by baskets (teniasis, henolepiasis, and diflobotriasis).

Unfortunately, a large number of infections are asymptomatic. In particular, the affected person has itching around the anus that usually gets worse at night. The most frequent manifestations are as follows:

  • Weakness
  • Weight loss
  • Yellow Face
  • Absence of appetite
  • Abdominal distension
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Headache, nausea and dizziness
  • Aqueous, mucous or bloody feces

Natural Remedies to Combat Worms

As long as they are taken advantage of as a supplement, you can try some natural remedies for intestinal worms. Therapies of this type do not replace pharmacological treatment under any circumstances. They also don’t replace the consultation with the doctor to identify the exact parasite that causes the infection.

1. Pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds are rich in berberine, cucurbitine, and palmitin. In animal experiments, it has been suggested that these could help in the control of gastrointestinal nematode infections. Although there is indeed no blunt evidence in humans, it is traditionally attributed to the property of eliminating intestinal parasites.

  • It is best to eat them without shells to facilitate digestion. You can roast or roast them without adding oil or salt to preserve their nutritional value.

2. Seeds of papaya

Studies have suggested that papaya seeds could work to get rid of intestinal parasites. Its most important compound is carpain, to which the apparent antiparasitic effects are attributed. It has a somewhat spicy taste, very similar to that of pepper.

  • You can dry them and grind them to turn them into dust. Afterward, you can sprinkle a little over smoothies, salads, porridge, and other dishes.

Pregnant and lactating women, people with stomach ailments, hypoglycaemia, or kidney stones should consult a doctor before consuming them.

3. Berberine

Berberine is a compound present in the plants of the Berberis family (such as Berberis vulgaris). Traditionally, it has been used to address giardiasis in countries such as China and India. In addition to being in European grace, it is part of plants such as the gold seal (Hydrastis Canadensis), gold thread (Coptis chinensis), grapes from Oregon (Berberis aquifolium), and tree turmeric (Berberis aristata).

  • For greater safety, you consume only supplements or capsules with the drinker extract. The maximum dose ranges from 0.4 to 1.5 grams orally. Talk to your doctor to determine which one to use according to your case.

It should not be used in children, pregnant or breast-feeding. Nor should it be used in those who undergo pharmacological treatment, without the prior supervision of the doctor.

4. Ajenjo

Although most of the evidence is due to animal research, studies indicate that wormwood extract could help as a complement to antiparasitic drugs. Especially in those parts of the world where you had them, intestinal worms and so on are particularly common.

  • You can make an infusion of wormwood with a teaspoon of the plant (5 grams) for each cup of boiling water (250 milliliters). Let stand for 10 minutes before sifting and drinking.

Awormjo could increase the risk of seizures in people likely to have them. It could also interact with anticonvulsant medications. It is not recommended for pregnant women, infants and in contexts of kidney problems.

5. Propolee

Especially about helminths, prologue, and excerpts have shown promising antiparasitic effects. It is also known as BeeGlue because they use it to seal cracks and provide thermal insulation. For millennia, however, it has been used to alleviate different medical discomforts.

  • Normally, propolis supplements dissolve in water before consumption. However, follow the indication of the package leaflet to assess the dose suggested by the manufacturer. It is usually between 400 and 500 milligrams.

Avoid using if you are allergic to honey and beekeeping products. Since it may delay blood clotting, it should be considered as restricting it in certain contexts (surgery and anticoagulant medicines).

6. Probiotics

Some strains of probiotics have shown antiparasitic effects against some gastrointestinal parasites, both in the egg and larval stages. It has been proposed that these can stimulate cells to cause an immune or regulatory response, in addition to other effects on the host’s immune system.

  • Include in your daily diet natural probiotics such as yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, kéfir, miso, chucrut, tempeh, or similar ones.

Its use is contraindicated in people with severe acute pancreatitis. Also, in people at risk of opportunistic infections and with the very damaged gastrointestinal tract.

7. Minite piper or toronjil

Pistorite mint is a hybrid between water mint and grass. In animal models, it has been found that this could be useful for eradicating nematodes, in particular in the face of anisakiasis. It should not be confused with green mint, wild mint, or English mint, as they are different plants.

  • Make tea with a tablespoon of piperite mint (5 grams) for each cup of boiling water ($250 milliliters). Leave to infusion for 10 minutes before sifting and drinking. Don’t consume more than one cup a day.

In excess, it can cause stomach acidity, dry mouth and nausea. If long-term pharmacological treatment is performed, you should consult with your doctor to assess possible interactions.

8. Turmeric tea

Turmeric is a root used in traditional medicine to treat various conditions. A study published in 2020 states that this plant would have in vitro effects against some parasites. Among others, it could be helpful in the face of episodes of giardiasis.

  • It is best to use turmeric in the different preparations of the day-to-day. If you prefer, make a turmeric tea with half a teaspoon (3 grams) for each cup of water (250 milliliters). Add lemon, honey, and so on to sweeten.

Those with bleeding disorders, gallbladder problems, diabetes, iron deficiency, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), liver disease and arrhythmias should consult with the doctor before use.

9. Epazote Infusion

It is a plant used as an antihelmintic in Hispanic America. Epazote infusion would help in front of the intestinal worms and reduce the complications of these conditions.

  • Use a teaspoon of your leaves (5 grams) for each cup of boiling water (250 milliliters). Leave to give for a few minutes before drinking.

Pregnant women, infants and young children should not use the plant. It can generate poisoning when used in the medium and long term, or the suggested dose is exceeded. In any case, it is always advisable to consult the doctor before taking advantage of it.

Diet Changes for Cleaning Parasites

Without this implying that dietary adjustments alone help eliminate intestinal parasites, they can contribute to the progress of recovery. In addition, they can be useful to alleviate or improve some of the symptoms that accompany these infections.

  • Avoid raw meat or fish.
  • Raise the intake of garlic, beet, and flax seeds.
  • Increases the participation of carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins.
  • Reduces the intake of coffee, sugar, alcohol, and refined beans.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin C and vitamins from group B.

At the same time, stay hydrated as you get over the episode. These recommendations are valid for those who manifest few or no symptoms and for those dealing with a more acute clinical picture.

Hygiene Practices and Cleaning Strategies to Be Implemented

In conjunction with the main treatment, the support with remedies for intestinal worms, and dietary adjustments, there are some lifestyle changes and high-value hygiene practices. Some of the most important are the following:

  • Do not share towels or daily hygiene clothes. For example, the ones you use to dry after taking a shower.
  • Keep your nails short and avoid biting them. Although it seems like a simple act, it has big implications during contagion.
  • Always drink clean water. If you’re not sure it comes from a safe source, choose for more confidence for bottled water.
  • Wash your hands regularly. Do it, especially after going to the bathroom, changing diapers (if that’s the case), and before you go to eat.
  • It vacuums the ground and cleans frequently. With this, you make sure you remove possible eggs or vector points where they can stay.
  • Wash the food before you consume it. Also, make sure you cook them well and, long before, choose trusted providers to ensure your safety.
  • Change your underwear every day. Take at least one shower a day and, if your doctor suggests, wash your clothes with hot water immediately.

Seek Medical Attention to Remove Intestinal Worms

Children, older adults, people with compromised immune systems, and pregnant women can develop complications from infection. For this reason, the recommended thing is to seek medical assistance for its correct elimination. The remedies for intestinal worms are just a complement and not a first-line therapy.

If you develop severe diarrhea, malnutrition, dehydration, and severe stomach pain, check with your doctor as soon as possible. Do it, especially if you’re part of the risk groups. Although some infections go away on their own, most need prescription antiparasitic drugs to get rid of intestinal parasites.
