6 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

6 Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

Are you suffering from hypertension? People with high stress should try to keep their blood values at the right levels to avoid suffering ailments or increasing the risk of coronary heart disease. Food is one of the key aspects to being able to lower the tension naturally and, therefore, it is of great interest to start controlling what you eat and reduce the intake of products such as salt.

Below, we offer a list of the foods to lower the most recommended blood pressure. You can easily find them in the supermarket and are great allies for your health and well-being.

List Of Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

There are many people in our society with high tension. This is a very common health condition and is often derived from generic or food reasons. The life habits we perform play a crucial role in hypertension, so it is important to review them and bet on a much healthier type of routine and adapt to our state.

Excessive consumption of salt, and alcohol, or a sedentary lifestyle are factors that increase tension. Here we discover the foods to lower the blood pressure you can include in your diet to start taking care of yourself from today.

Whole Grains

We started this list by talking about whole grains, a food very rich in fiber and perfect for our body to expel toxins and unnecessary elements. These cereals help us to prevent pressure from dying so that we can have healthy levels. Within the whole group of whole grains, the most recommended are oats, wheat, or bran.

Blueberries and Fruits of The Forest

Blueberries are also the perfect food to get the pressure off. The reason is that this fruit has anthocyanins, a pigment that acts in the body optimizing the functioning of our cardiovascular system. This component is also present in other forest fruits such as blackberries or raspberries.

Potato to Lower Tension

Potato is also considered to be one of the foods to lower blood pressure. This vegetable is very rich in magnesium and potassium, two minerals that contribute to optimizing cardiovascular functioning and thus avoiding pressure rises.


Garlic is a very healthy ingredient for our body. It is a food that improves the circulation of blood but also has an anticoagulant and vasodilator action. All this helps to reduce the level of tension in the arteries and to enable us to enjoy a much stronger state of health.

Dark Chocolate

Black chocolate is very rich in flavonoids, a component that acts as a dilator of the blood vessels and therefore improves the circulation of our bloodstream. But you’ll have to make sure that you’re consuming a type of chocolate that, at least, has 50% cocoa and, of course, is black.


We finish this list of foods to lower blood pressure by talking about bananas, a fruit that is very rich in potassium and that is ideal for improving the functioning of our cardiovascular system. Banana is recommended, above all, because stress medication usually minimizes potassium levels in the blood; when taking bananas, you will manage to balance the body and be in a good state of health again.
