5 Perfect Strength Exercises to Make Them at Home

5 Perfect Strength Exercises to Make Them at Home

Is it possible to work muscle strength without any type of gym material? Oh, it is. Taking your weight as an end, you can perform a complete routine with these 5 strength exercises to do at home. Pay attention to the training we propose so you can tone your body without the need to go to the gym.

Jumping jacks

Nothing better to work muscle strength than to perform a warm-up than cardio with muscle activation of the areas that are going to work in the next strength exercises. To do this, one of the most complete exercises is the jumping jacks, with which parts of a standing position, with their feet together and arms to the sides, and a jump is made to separate the feet while raising their arms and returning to the initial position continuously.

The jumping jacks help burn calories, and prepare the main muscle groups thanks to the activation of blood circulation and hair of the arms, legs, and back.


The push-ups are magnificent strength exercises that also don’t require gym equipment so you can do it at home comfortably. The objective of this exercise modality is to work the biceps, triceps, and dorsals in the same movement. It starts from an iron position, either on the ground or on a sloping surface, and you have to come down with the strength of your arms and squeeze the core while keeping your back and neck completely aligned straight. It has to be lowered to the point where it feels that the elevation that leaves the body in the starting plank position can still be performed.


The Planks seem like an easy exercise, but they require great strength to resist the weight itself. In this case, the largest work is concentrated on the top train in full. Either in the basic form, of maintaining posture by exercising the muscles of the arms and shoulders, and squeezing the abdomen or with any of its variants (lateral, combined, etc.), at all times you have to keep your back straight and arms at an angle of 90 degrees. Triceps work too.

Triceps Dips

Triceps funds are one of the best strength exercises to do at home or anywhere, as they only need a fixed or stable support point and the strength of the athlete. However, a precise technique is required to avoid injury.

How to make tricep dips to improve muscle strength? First, hands must be placed in the outer area of the support object. With your hip raised and your knees flexed, your elbows bend by reaching as low as possible. Before each repetition, it is important to relax your arms as it is a high-mandated exercise for the muscles.

Burpees, Cardio Exercises to Build Strength at Home

To finish the labor routine of the force, the burpees, feared by many, are an ideal exercise, since in addition to strength, resistance, and coordination are increased, which achieves a very complete training: both the pectorals, triceps, shoulders, abdominals, and buttocks, and even twins are involved.

In addition, being a type of cardio exercise, it allows you to finish the training routine to the maximum. It starts from an upright position, the impulse is carried out with the hands and feet to the after and returns to the initial position with a final jump.
