4 Astringent Foods to Prevent Diarrhea

4 Astringent Foods to Prevent Diarrhea

When you have diarrhea it is important to change your diet to try to cut it off and recover intestinal well-being. To do this, the soft diet is the best solution, as it will help you replenish nutrients, repair the flora and get the evacuation stopped. But what exactly does a soft diet contain? Astringent foods.

In this article, we want to discover 4 astringent foods to stop the diarrhea that will help you in your health. They are highly recommended ingredients by experts so you can feed without your gastrointestinal system resenting. Take note of our recommendations and enjoy a healthy and beneficial diet for this condition.

List of Astringent Foods

The soft diet is the recommended diet when you have diarrhea. It is based on a food pattern that includes astringent foods that stop evacuation and restore the well-being of our system. If you want to opt for a white diet to improve your health, then we will offer you a list of astringent foods that you can include whenever you want.


One of the most recommended fruits in the case of diarrhea is lemon. It is one of the best known natural astringents and that will also help you improve your state of health and recover energy. Thanks to its important dose of vitamin C you will be able to strengthen your defenses and rebuild your health state optimally. A good recommendation is that you start your day with a glass of lemon juice dissolved in water and you can sweeten with a pinch of honey. It’ll heal you a lot and you’ll be fabled.

Natural Yoghurt

When you have diarrhea, many salts and minerals are lost due to excessive evacuation, so yogurts are ideal for repairing your body. They are rich in probiotics, an essential component to repair the intestinal flora and you can feel well again. Keep in mind that, due to diarrhea, the flora found in the colon is usually dragged, so taking it through natural yogurts is a perfect idea to repair it and improve our state of health. In this sense, you should know that kefir is also an ideal food to meet this repair objective.


Another of the most recommended astringent foods to stop diarrhea is bananas. This fruit gives us a lot of nutrients, among which we highlight potassium, iron, and vitamin A. But, in addition, it is also rich in tannin, a component that absorbs water and will therefore help us reduce diarrhea. Yes, you must opt for green bananas, as the mature ones could exercise the opposite function and make our state worse.

White Rice

Undoubtedly, this is one of the best-known and consumed foods when you have diarrhea. The reason is that it brings us starch, a component that favors constipation and therefore cuts diarrhea. The best thing is to get boiled and dress it up with a little lemon juice or a splash of olive oil. Don’t exceed your consumption, try to be an accompaniment to your diet so you can enjoy its nutrients in a controlled way.

Now you know what to include in your diet to fight diarrhea. In case of complications or excessive lengthening of the diarrhea, it is best to go to your GP to tell you the steps to follow.
