3 Abdominal Routines to Get Perfect Abs

3 Abdominal Routines to Get Perfect Abs

The abdomen, for both men and women, is one of the areas we most chase tone. However, not everyone has the resilience and endurance to maintain a proper training routine to get the long-awaited steel abdomen.

With the 3 abdominal routines we explain below, not only is the abdomen strengthened, but it is possible to sculpt it to get a perfect abdomen. Get the challenge.

The Importance of Exercising the Abdomen

Although it is considered that the work in the abdomen area, which is where the most visceral fats accumulate, is slow and demanding, it only requires constancy (in the exercises and in the balanced diet that has to be followed to burn those unwanted reserves of fats). The key is losing body fat by increasing muscle mass.

How to get some toned, marked, sculpted abs and show a flat belly? It is important to focus exercises in the abdominal and lumbar region, yes. But multiarticular exercises that activate all metabolism and help burn those fats and, at the same time, gain muscle, are also key.

Abdominal routines 5 minutes to tone and get the perfect Abs

This type of routine to tone the abdomen does not require any gym elements or apparatus, so it can be included in the training dynamics at home without any problems, as long as the execution techniques of each of the exercises that compose it are respected.

It is also recommended to perform between 5 and 10 repetitions of each exercise, being 5 ideal for those who are beginning, and 10 for those who have a certain baggage and previous training. In the case of beginners, it is highly recommended to plan breaks between each type of exercise to help recover the middle area of the body and avoid exhaustion ahead of time.

This routine includes the following abdominal and lumbar area toning exercises:

– Horizontal and vertical scissors. It is important to keep the abdomen contracted and control movement, so before adding speed, it is better to focus on running the exercises well.

Leg Shrugs, carrying the knees to the chest and stretching completely until it’s parallel.

– Reverse abdominals, doing crunches.

Leg lifts

Intense Routine with Intervals

Another existing option for getting a perfect abdomen is to focus on HIIT routines, more intense and working at intervals. In this case, with 30-second-decoration intervals of 10 seconds for 7 minutes.

This abdominal routine works mainly on the lower abdomen and also oblique areas, so if it is maintained over time and follows an adequate diet, the desired V is marked. The exercise routine to tone the abdomen is to intersperse the following exercises:

Straight leg raises.

– Side planks.

Inverted Crunch

– Mountain Climbers (in all variants desired).

Abdominal crunches.

High Knees, which finish off the 7 minutes of working on the abdomen to tone it and achieve a steel belly.

Running To Tone The Abdomen and Burn Calories At The Same Time

This is a training modality at intervals that consists of 6 exercises performed in a row, without rest, lasting each of its repetitions 30 seconds. The order in this case is indifferent as long as the type of exercise and the time of each is maintained.

Also, the athlete can incorporate variations of the routine exercises to tone the abdomen according to its evolution. The basis of this routine is the mix between eminently muscular and cardio exercises:

– Mountain climbers

– Reverse Crunch

– Scissors (vertical or horizontal)

Seated side twists

