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15 Types to Burn Abdominal Fat

15 Types to Burn Abdominal Fat

Fat in the abdomen accumulates when more calories are consumed than burned, among other reasons. Reducing it is not a simple task, it requires effort and perseverance. To this end, protein intake, good sleep hygiene, and a combination of exercises are represented as some means to burn abdominal fat.

There are two large subtypes: subcutaneous and visceral. The second, hosted in greater depth, presents more health risks. It surrounds organs such as the liver, stomach, and intestines, and their excess is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. For this reason, beyond aesthetic issues, consider the following tips that promote a healthy lifestyle.

1. Reduce carbohydrates and trans fats in the diet

One of the main measures to reduce abdominal fat is to exclude or limit refined carbohydrates from the diet. We mean foods like sweets, wheat bread, pasta, biscuits, and pizza, among others. Reducedness can cause loss of abdominal fat, both in overweight people and at risk of diabetes.

Even so, carbohydrates are needed in the diet and can be replaced by more nutritious ones. For example, oats, rye, nuts, brown rice, and corn. In this sense, a 2010 study found that the intake of whole grains was associated with lower visceral adipose tissue. The results come from a comparison with the consumption of refined cereals.

On the other hand, trans fats, very present in packaged and ultra-processed foods, are another risk factor for the development of obesity. In addition, they are associated with cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance.

It is important to check the nutritional labels of foods to identify their trans fat content. In turn, reduce ultra-processed ones, such as industrial pastries, fried ones, sausage meats and fast foods.

2. Incorporating protein

Protein foods are important for body weight control. In addition to generating a greater feeling of satiety, they are associated with a smaller generation of abdominal fat. Proteins can be incorporated through numerous foods of animal and plant origin, such as lean meats, eggs, legumes, and fish.

The latter, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acid content, has benefits for burning abdominal fat in people who are overweight or obese. Examples of adding to a protein-rich diet are sardines, salmon, and anchovies.

3. Avoid intake of sugar and sugary drinks

Excess sugar is a risk factor for various diseases, such as fatty liver, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions. In particular, refined sugar is also associated with an increase in abdominal fat.

It can be replaced with other natural sweeteners, such as brown sugar and mash, although its intake should also be limited. In addition, it is essential to review and avoid foods with added sugars, such as sweet drinks.

A 2017 study, involving patients with diabetes, found that portions of these drinks are directly linked to abdominal obesity. Common examples of added sugars are soda, energizing drinks, and commercial fruit juices.

4. Eat green tea to burn abdominal fat

The main replacement for sugar drinks should be water, but it is also possible to alternate with other healthy soft drinks. For example, lemonade, iced tea, or green tea. The latter, according to a 2020 study, can contribute to weight loss through reduced body fat and LDL cholesterol.

For its part, a 2022 review suggests that the bioactive components of green tea favor blood pressure, blood glucose, and lipids. Labour argues that there is a lack of further evidence to determine such benefits. However, it is important to moderate consumption and know its contraindications.

5. Manage Stress

Stress is related to the increase in abdominal fat through the production of cortisol, a hormone associated with such a condition. High levels of cortisol can increase appetite and encourage central and subcutaneous adiposity, according to a study involving more than 1,800 people.

Another study found that these increases occur in both adults, with situations such as work stress, as well as in children with high cortisol responses. To counter this, he chooses to incorporate relaxing activities, such as meditation, yoga, or taichí exercises.

6. Incorporate soluble fiber

Some foods to combat abdominal fat are those that contain soluble fiber. It is the fiber that dissolves in water to form a gel that slows the digestive process. They then become acids beneficial to the colon.

In addition, they have a mitigating effect on appetite, which promotes the loss of fat. A study of more than 1000 adults found that their intake, combined with exercise, can decrease abdominal fat by 3.7 percent in five years. Try to include in your diet a variety of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, and other foods rich in soluble fiber.

7. Doing aerobic exercise

Another reason the abdomen accumulates fat is sedentaryism. Physical activity allows one to control body weight and benefits health in multiple aspects. However, localized reduction theories have little sustenance. This means there are no specific exercises to burn abdominal fat.

On the contrary, a comprehensive approach should be adopted that reduces the percentage throughout the body. A study published in 2013 found that a training program was effective at reducing overall fat, but not in the specific trained segment.

Thus, the most recommended thing is to program routines with aerobic movements, which are effective in reducing visceral adipose tissue. For its part, a 2015 study highlights the decrease in subcutaneous fat in adolescents with obesity that combined aerobic and endurance training. You can include in this section running, hikes, biking, or swimming, as well as cardio moderate cardio routines.

8. Coming in with strength training

Strength and endurance training also showed effectiveness in the goal of burning abdominal fat. A 2014 study, involving overweight teenagers, weighs the results of the combination between the two types of training over one in particular. Try to dedicate one to two days a week for each training, or diagram a combined workout routine at home.

9. Add probiotic foods

These are bacteria present in various types of food that benefit intestinal health and the immune system. They can be found in natural options, without the need for supplements, such as yogurt, pickled pickles, kefir, or chucrut.

Research published in the Journal of Functional Foods supports the interference of probiotics in reducing body adiposity. In it, it is noted that these bacteria positively alter the intestinal microflora. However, there is a lack of further research in this regard, so consultation with a professional is recommended before initiating drastic changes in the diet.

10. Consider intermittent fasting to burn abdominal fat

Another type of diet widely used for this purpose is intermittent breakfast. More than diet, this is an administration of the times to feed. It consists of scheduling time blocks where to practice fasting and others eat daily meals.

There are several ways to do it. For example, with format 12/12, consists of letting 12 hours pass between the last meal of one day and the first of the next. Under the same criteria, plan 16/8 is about fasting for 16 hours and eating for the remaining 8 hours.

A study in the journal Obesity compared this program to a calorie-restriction diet. He found that both favor weight loss, body composition, cardiometabolic health, and hunger control, but fasting has more benefits.

Like any drastic dietary change, remember to consult a nutrition specialist or dietitian beforehand. Then, you can apply some of these tips to start with intermittent fasting.

11. Explore the ketogenic diet

Also known as a keto diet, it is a high-fat and low-carb plan. The idea is for the body to produce ketones as an energy source. According to a paper published in the journal Clinical Nutrition Espen, this regimen can help reduce weight, fat mass, and visceral fat.

Instead of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are appealing, with the strong presence of white meats, such as chicken, fish, and seafood. There are several types of menus to include in this diet, always under prior consultation. Like any regime, it has advantages and disadvantages.

12. Limit alcohol consumption

An important aspect of a diet to burn abdominal fat is to limit the intake of alcoholic beverages. Excess is associated with the risk of abdominal obesity, among other negative health effects.

A study published in 2019, where consumption was analyzed in nearly 1000 Japanese men, found that their intake worsens the percentage of visceral fat.

13. Maintaining good sleep hygiene

Sleep disorders have multiple negative health consequences, including increased abdominal fat. A 2022 study argues that obstructive sleep apnea is highly prevalent in obese patients. In addition, it highlights that it can enhance the dysfunction of adipose tissue.

Healthy habits in this sense are not just about sleeping seven or eight hours. They are also linked to food, day sleep, and the use of electronic devices, among other keys to good hygiene.

14. Hydrate well

Drinking water is essential to maintain the proper functioning of the body. It is also important in a plan to burn abdominal fat, as it contributes to satiety and accelerates metabolism.

A 2013 research suggests that drinking half a liter about 30 minutes before each meal is associated with higher weight loss. It is worth noting that, in this search, water must replace the consumption of soft drinks and sugary drinks.

15. Carrying a Conscious Control of Habits

A good way to motivate yourself to achieve positive changes is to monitor your weekly food intake and exercise execution. To facilitate the task, numerous free websites or apps record a variety of daily habits.

Among them, are the evolution of training and the follow-up of diet. In this way, you can become aware of everyday actions and carry a caloric control aimed at burning abdominal fat.

Why Does Fat Build Up in The Abdomen?

There are many reasons why fat builds up in the belly. It is a part of the body where excess weight becomes notorious, next to arms, thighs, and buttocks. Even overweight people can generate this accumulation for various reasons.

The Importance of Burning Abdominal Fat

In addition to subcutaneous fat, more visible and identifiable, there is another type of adipose tissue, known as visceral fat. This tissue is the one that is related to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions.

An excess of visceral fat, which accumulates in the abdominal cavity and envelops the internal organs, is more dangerous than the mere aesthetic question. Over time, fat cells produce hormones that generate inflammation.

For this reason, generating healthy habits that promote their reduction is important to improve the quality of life. There are no magic formulas, it requires effort and perseverance. Try some of the tips described and try to combine several of them to speed up the results.

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