10 Diuretic Foods to Prevent Fluid Retention

10 Diuretic Foods to Prevent Fluid Retention

When it comes to having a good diuresis, the kidney should function properly and fluid intake should be sufficient. However, to avoid fluid retention it is also essential that both the lymphatic and arteriovenous circulatory system act correctly. Otherwise, water can come out of the tissues through the walls of the veins, leading to the dreaded swollen legs. This type of ailment is often more common in women due to hormonal factors that are also part of the process. However, it is possible to curb this situation and maintain an appropriate diuresis by adding a specific type of food. Do you want to know diuretic foods to avoid fluid retention? Keep reading and take note of them.

List of Diuretic Foods

Some foods are natural diuretics, being great allies to expel excess water in the body through urine. We refer to fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon or celery, which also help control high pressure.

These diuretic foods to prevent fluid retention also have an intoxicant effect, so they help to eliminate toxins from the body. For this reason, it is usually recommended to include them in weight loss diets. Do you want to meet them?


Cranberries relieve fluid retention and prevent urinary infections such as cystitis. The red fruits have pigments that improve peripheral microcirculation and, in addition, acidify urine.


Peppers have flavonoids, a substance that protects the cells of the body, preventing the onset of cancer and other diseases. In this way, this food, in addition to being very tasty, has anti-varicose, anti-edema, and anti-hemorrhoidal properties.


The parsley is a source of minerals like iron. Its high concentration of potassium makes it the perfect food to stop anemia and its most characteristic symptoms such as tiredness.


Pineapple favors digestion, being also rich in vitamins A, B, and C. It is one of the diuretic foods to avoid the retention of more appetizing liquids that you can easily incorporate into your diet.


The onion’s diuretic action comes from flavonoids and fructoseans. In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory properties to feel less swollen.

Lemon Peel

The infusion made from water and lemon crusts is of great help to prevent infections and gases, being also a diuretic.


The fennel is another diuretic food you won’t be able to give up on once you know it. Simply boil it in water for several minutes and leave it to rest. When you take two or three cups a day you’ll notice an improvement in your body.


Tea is a diuretic and contains polyphenols, which make the action of their prolonged and less intense than caffeine.


The artichoke leaves have flavonoids with a clear diuretic effect. One of its components is cynarin, which lowers bad cholesterol and protects the liver. In addition, it is also possible to take it in infusion to make the most of its benefits.


Fresh asparagus also has diuretic effects. Not only do they possess saponin and fructosanos, but their vegetable fiber has laxative effects, being a very depurative food.

Add these diuretic foods to your daily diet to avoid fluid retention and your health will improve in the long term. From here we also recommend that you include coconut water or diuretic teas every day to increase the amount of urine. Not so in the cases of certain diseases such as kidney failure, as the doctor will be responsible for regulating the amount of fluid ingested.
