When To End A Relationship?

Relationships are an important part of our lives and we have all experienced at least one breakup. Identifying the moment when it is time to end a relationship can be crucial for our physical and mental health. But how can we be sure that the relationship has no future?

Thinking about ending a relationship and doing it are two very different things. Sometimes, we just keep planning the end, thinking about the best option to make this decision easier, or we simply stay frozen by the fear of hurting the other person.

Without love, there is no relationship.

It’s sad, but we can all stop loving the person we’re with. In this situation there is usually no one to blame, it’s just part of the natural evolution that we all have. Many times, guilt attacks and we don’t want to hurt our partner, however, this usually causes more pain. We must always remember that a relationship lacking love can have many negative consequences for the couple.

Trust is a key element.

Infidelity, cheating, or lying are factors that can destabilize any relationship and cause one of the partners to no longer trust the other person. Sometimes you can try to save the relationship, but if the damage is too deep it will never be the same. When the damage has been too deep there will be constant fights and jealousy, which will cause the loss of trust to increase.

There is no longer a relationship.

A relationship requires a lot of work to work. When one of the parties no longer shows interest and everything falls on the other person, the relationship has come to an end. This situation usually generates resentment in the person who feels that he or she is carrying all the weight of the relationship. The couple can try to talk to try to solve the situation, but if there are no positive results, it may be time to end the relationship.

A relationship should end when only one of its members gives 100%. A healthy relationship, even a friendship or family relationship, should always be based on 50% of each person giving. When too much is given, this causes wear and tear and can lead to recriminations and resentment.

You don’t tolerate what once attracted you.

It may seem strange or ironic, but over time we can come to hate those little things or details about our partner that initially attracted us. Before ending a relationship for this reason, it is important to talk to the other person and explain the situation. If the person is not willing to change and we can no longer tolerate that attitude, it is best to end the relationship.

Irremediable differences

A relationship should be made up of two people with similar goals, dreams, ideas and values . When one or more of these elements have changed and they are no longer looking for the same thing, it is time to end the relationship.

Sometimes these details simply change and the couple can continue to function when they reach an agreement. However, if the differences are very great, the best thing to do would be to end the relationship.

Ending a relationship is not easy. There is a lot of affection, and many experiences lived and overcome in common that makes it difficult to leave behind what has been built with so much effort and love. However, if we find ourselves in any of the above situations, let’s not hesitate. It is better to end this chapter and start a new book.
