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What diet to follow to fight the helicobacter pylori?

helicobacter pylori

Do you feel severe belly pains or stomach discomfort? Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common causes of stomach ailments. It is a very common type of bacteria that survives in the stomach and usually appears when we drink food or drinks that are contaminated with that bacterium.

In this article, we will tell you what diet to follow for helicobacter pylori indicating the most recommended foods you should include, as well as those you should avoid to the maximum.

Foods you can take with helicobacter pylori

In case you feel strong discomfort in your belly, it’s essential that you go to a doctor to examine and determine if you really have the helicobacter pylori in your body. If so, it will prescribe pharmacological treatment and, in addition, it will also give you food guidelines to reduce discomfort.

If you’ve been diagnosed with helicobacter pylori, you should pay close attention to the diet you’re carrying out. The best thing in these cases is to opt for a soft diet, that is, a diet that includes easy-to-digest foods and allow inflammation and gastric irritation to slow down.

In this sense, the foods you can take on a diet for helicobacter pylori are:

Lean meats and low-fat steamed kitchens, baked or grilled (with little oil)

– White rice

– Potato boiled

– White bread

– White fish

– Apple


– White cabbage


– Probiotics



In general, it is recommended to follow a soft diet. But, besides, there’s a food that’s really effective for this condition: ginger. This natural product is ideal for treating digestive problems thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. You can include ginger in your recipes or, if you prefer, prepare a ginger infusion and take it twice a day.

Food banned from a diet for helicobacter pylori

On the other side of the coin, we have all those foods that we should avoid if we want to notice improvement in our state of health. Usually, you should avoid the slowing or heavier ingredients. Here’s a list:

Whole grains

– Food too fatty or sugary

– Red meat

– Oily fish and seafood

Dairy products

– Fruit

– Legumes

– Alcoholic drinks and soft drinks

– Fruit juices

– Drinks like coffee or tea

– Spicy food

– Sauces

– Fried and battered foods

As you can see, you should avoid foods that are heavier to digest and can cause inflammation in the stomach. Also, try to eat slowly and chew each meal well so your digestive system has to make as little effort as possible. In addition, it is recommended that you drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day to moisturize the body, eliminate toxins and improve intestinal processes.

Don’t forget that in the case of suffering from helicobacter pylori it is essential that you advise you with a health professional. Only a doctor will be able to examine you and give you the exact guidelines you should follow to notice improvement. Detailed follow-up and comprehensive treatment are what you’ll need to remove the bacteria from the body and restore your well-being.


– I’m thin, A. (2010). Infection by Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterol. latinoam, 21(92), 323-327.
-Ramos, A. A., & Sanchez, R. S. (2017). Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer. Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú, 28(3), 258-66.
-Rodríguez de Miranda, A., & González Pérez, T. (1997). New concepts about diet in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Rev. cuba. aliment. nutr, 105-10.

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