Fitness Lifetime

What Can We Learn From Disappointments in Life?

Everything that happens to people in life leaves a learning, both positive and negative experiences. Negative experiences usually leave more learning. What can we learn from disappointments?

In this article, we will see some of the positive attitudes we can learn from disappointments in life. Read on to meet them.


Some people come out of great disappointments. There’s a name for that condition, and it’s resilience. The origin of the term comes from physics: the materials that return to their normal state are rated after being bent to the extreme.

When asked why people are disappointed in life, it must be remembered that existence is a problem and conflict. There is no world of pink color, but beings who, day by day, are involved in their lives to get out of negative situations and anger.

The important thing about going through these bad times is to avoid a defeatist attitude. And, in addition, to obtain the most positive balance possible for personal growth.

Vivencies That Produce Disappointments

Vivencies That Produce Disappointments

There are many disappointments that we can face throughout life: loving ruptures, friendship or work, betrayals, lies, and lack of generosity or gratitude for loved ones…The circumstances of the social, political, and religious environment, etc. are different.

Among the issues that affect us most deeply are:

What We Can Learn From Disappointments In Life

In life, You Can’t Control Everything

Unfortunately, this learning comes after great disappointments have been suffered. It is important to know that the only thing possible to control is attitudes, decisions, feelings, and acts themselves.

Undoubtedly, it is a loss of energy and useless behavior to focus on what cannot be controlled. We must be able to keep this ever in mind.

We Must be Patient

While we all want to avoid future disappointments, we need to be patient. Time doesn’t cure everything, but it allows us to get the strength to cope.

And we have already seen that everything cannot be controlled in life, especially those aspects that are the power of other people. Besides, the craving for control can make us sick.

Question of Attitude

What can be controlled is the attitude to things to get away from what is harmful in time. In some cases, they may even be toxic people who harm us.

You need to distance ourselves from what doesn’t do well. Knowing how to say NO promptly, demands respect, clarity, and sincerity in our relationships, among other positive attitudes.

Look At Problems with Perspective

It is important to analyze all facets of a problem. In this way, we will be able to see it from a different perspective and make better decisions in the future.

However, we should not get to saturate our minds. The key is not new: if the problem has no solution, why worry? And if he does, why worry?


We must learn to accept what has happened and what cannot be changed. The most convenient thing in the face of disappointment is to withdraw with dignity.

Insisting on changing a situation would degenerate into a worse conflict, in exhaustion and frustration. In addition, it ends up affecting the health and the people around us.

Valuing the Good

Some people resign themselves to the pain or negative sensations that cause setbacks and flavors. Like there’s nothing to rescue.

Rather than having this unhealthy attitude for personal well-being, that which does have positive value for the different stages of life must be rescued. We must recognize it, give it its fair value, develop it, and reproduce it. We have to put the good and bad things on the scale: finding the good and giving it its right weight will counteract the bad.

The Passage of Time

Time passes and helps us learn to cope with disappointments. Ultimately, it is so and it is useless to give so much importance to the problems.

Even before you say or do things that generate regret, letting time pass will give you a better perspective on what happened. You don’t have to lose sight of that maybe what the future holds is better.

Seek Help

It is good and necessary to seek help. We shouldn’t feel guilty about it. It can happen that, for various reasons, it suffers in solitude and the discomfort lasts longer than it should.

Nor should we fear seeking support from people or professionals. We must always bear in mind that what is at stake is psychological health itself.

Thinking of Yourself

Finally, we must think of ourselves. Since stumbling blocks are inevitable, the main goal of life should not be lost. Many times disappointments have nothing to do with what moves the person, their mission.

The mission must be the attainment of self-being. This would be the previous and necessary step to be able to help others.

Much can be learned from disappointments in life, to regain hope and the horizon drawn. Patience, illusion, and constancy are essential attitudes to achieve this.

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