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The 7 Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Hamstrings

The 7 Best Exercises To Strengthen Your Hamstrings

Hamstrings or ischiosurals are a muscle group located on the back of the thigh and is composed of femoral biceps, semi-tendinous and semi-membranous biceps. A group of muscles that allow the bending of the knee and the extension of the hip, but that are usually always one of the forgotten areas when it comes to heating.

Hamstrings are often shortened by stiffness, and it is important to perform a series of exercises to strengthen them. Shortening that usually affects both people who lead a sedentary life, being common to be shortened by stiffness and the appearance of pains in the knees and lumbar area due to muscle decompensation, as well as in those people who practice some sport.

When used in speed actions such as sprints, jumps or changes of direction, this muscle usually has a high level of injury. The following exercises will help you strengthen your ischiotibiales and avoid injuries:

Nordic curl or Nordic falls

This is an exercise of eccentric type or with eccentric overload, being one of the most used to prevent injury. To do this exercise you will need a mat, a partner who holds your feet or a fixed bar with which to hold them if you are alone.

Exercise begins on your knees and with a person or object that retains our legs at the height of the ankles. With your hands on your chest or on your hip you drop your body slowly and controlled forward. When the body is near the ground or touched, it must return to the initial position with the concentric force of the ischiotibial, and can also help with the hands.

Femoral curl with fitball

This exercise is another simplest activity to work the femoral biceps and the rest of the ischiosural muscles. To perform this exercise you will have to lie on the floor face up, arms completely stretched and heels placed on top of a Swiss ball.

In this posture you have to raise the body forming a straight line and leaving your hips in the air and supporting the head and the upper back. Bring the ball to your head by contracting the ischiosurals and then lift it away without lowering your hips and returning to the starting position. It’s important to repeat this exercise how many times you can.

Russian Skipping

According to specialists, skipping is one of the ideal exercises to learn the race technique or improve it, in addition to strengthening the muscles of the lower train and preventing injuries. The variety known as Russian skipping is ideal for working muscle power, symmetry and explosive force by lifting your leg forward by moving while keeping your knees locked and quadriceps.


Climbing and downhills, depending on the inclination of these, in addition to their unevenness, length, and race power, have a positive effect on strengthening the entire lower train. It is important to do warm-up exercises before running.

Plyometric Exercises

These exercises are another ideal form of training to strengthen the lower train. Rapid movements and movements that require strength are combined in this type of exercise. Movements that involve pre-stretching the muscle, elongating and shortening the fiber, and producing strong concentric contractions.

One of these exercises is multi-judge, that is, jumps with one foot or with both, rebounds, swings, and vertical and horizontal rapid displacements.


This exercise should be done with a weight bar and flexing the knees slightly to involve the major buttocks and ischiotibials.

The exercise consists of lifting a weight bar from the ground to the waist, being basic to keep the column straight and extended at all times and, as we have already pointed out, the knees only a little flexed, carrying the weight of the body on the tips of the feet and not on the heels.

If you don’t have a bar with weights, another alternative is the dead weight with dumbbells.

Spine Hip Lift

This exercise also has a low difficulty level, beginner, involves buttocks, abdominal muscles, and iliotibial muscles, and does not require equipment. Thus, it is only necessary to place face up with your arms on the sides, your knees flexed, and your feet firm on the ground.

In this position, you have to raise your hips forming a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. You have to hold on for a moment in that position and lower the body, going back to the main position.

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