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The 5 reasons you should walk every day

The 5 reasons you should walk every day

Betting on an active life and avoiding sedentarism is essential to get a healthy body and be in good shape. Walking is a kind of light physical exercise that can bring you a lot of benefits for your day-to-day life.

If you don’t have time to go to the gym or don’t have a physical condition to exercise more intensely, go out for a walk. It is a practice highly recommended by health experts and very simple to carry out.

In this article, we will discover the 5 reasons why you should walk every day and that, thus, you begin to incorporate this simple habit into your day-to-day life.

Benefits that provide walking every day

When we walk, we activate 200 muscles of our body, that is, 30% of our muscles are put in place to meet the energy demand we ask you to walk. Because of this, this is a highly recommended practice to perform daily and thus stay in shape avoiding circulation problems, cardiovascular, overweight, joint problems, etc.

Here’s a list of the reasons why you should walk every day, take note.

Ideal to increase our defenses

Physical exercise stimulates the production of red blood cells and white blood cells, the main defense barriers our body has to prevent virus aggression or external infections. Therefore, if we walk, we help strengthen our defenses and be more protected from elements that may endanger our health.

Helps improve the heart

Another reason you should walk every day is that this is a perfect practice for the health of our heart. As we walk, we increase the heart rate, activate the circulation of the blood and stabilize the pressure of the arteries. All this also contributes to regulating cholesterol in the blood and balancing glucose levels.

Fight against overweight

Practicing physical exercise and avoiding sedentarism is vital to burning calories and preventing fat from getting accumulated in our body. But for this to be really effective, we’ll have to walk moderately intense and get out at least 30 minutes each day. It is best to intersperse different intensities so that our body does not get used to energy demand. To get an idea: if you walk an hour, you can burn 300 calories.

Controls anxiety about food

A study by the University of Exeter indicates that walking produces an anxiolytic effect on our body and therefore reduces anxiety about food. This is essential to reduce the desire to sting between sweet or fatty foods.

Joint protection

And finally, another reason you should walk every day is that this is a perfect practice to improve the health of our joints and reduce the pains we may have in these parts of the body. Walking strengthens the knee, hips and joints that are usually most affected by arthrosis, therefore, it is a habit that is recommended for overweight people and the elderly.


-Bird, W., & Reynolds, V. (2006). Walking for health: The full step-by-step guide to get fit and feel good. INDE.
– Marquez, S. (1995). Psychological benefits of physical activity. -Revist of general and applied psychology: Revista de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicología, 48(1), 185-206.
-Gros, F. (2014). Walk, a philosophy. Taurus.

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