The 5 Most Famous Types of Yoga

The 5 Most Famous Types of Yoga

Are you one of those who thinks practicing yoga is one of the lightest and easiest exercises that exist? Then you live in a mistake. Yoga practice is indeed more focused on relaxation, but it is not easy, as there is a full connection between the body and the mind – hence it is intimately related to very spiritual religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism.

Achieving this requires a lot of practice and also resilience, as well as knowing how to choose the one that best suits each one. Similarly, there is no single type of yoga exercise. Would you say the 5 best-known types of Yoga? How to get it right in the election?

Many start yoga with the question of what kind of yoga is best. There’s not one better than another but one that best suits your way of being and your goals. Hence yoga experts say the most important thing is to find the best type of yoga for each person.

Hatha Yoga

One of the most traditional types of yoga is Hatha Yoga. It drinks directly from the most physical yoga styles and is part of what is known as the fifth way of the yoga road. It is especially recommended for quiet people who love the challenges, as it is very demanding: with their different asanas you develop all aspects that involve yoga: breathing, movement, and meditation. It’s also a good choice for those who start in yoga art.

Bikram Yoga

After decades of assimilation, original yoga has also been transformed. A good example is Bikram yoga, a style we can define as fully Western and modernized.

This modality involves an orderly sequence of 26 asanas that move the whole body and in which the precision in breathing is key. It should be done in an air-conditioned environment of between 40 and 42 degrees in a precise time of 90 minutes.

Ashtanga Yoga

Energetic and dynamic people, who have a more competitive character, can find in Ashtanga yoga the best type of yoga for your body and mind. It is perhaps one of the modes of yoga in which the physical dominates the mental in such a clear way.

That is why it is still very demanding in terms of resistance, discipline, and even order. Here movement and breathing must be perfectly coordinated to be effective. Given the high muscle and physical demand, it is recommended before you start at Ashtanga Yoga go to your doctor and check what your physical condition is.

Vinyasa Yoga

One of the pillars of Yoga is breathing. In the yoga vinyasa mode, that joint work between body movement and breathing is more than evident. Thanks to its union and compassion, the movement of the body flows loosely as it is more oxygenated and the capacity of the respiratory system is amplified.

Thanks to vinyasa yoga you’ll have greater personal self-control. This type of yoga is ideally designed for restless, creative people who like to keep up.

Kundalini Yoga

In kundalini yoga, the asanas are combined with pranayama, mudras, bands, singing, and other types of movements that make it one of the most complete and at the same time demanding yoga modalities. It is based mainly on the Kriya, whose ultimate goal is to open and balance the body’s chakras.

This prevents and improves both physical pathologies and emotional ailments. This mix of exercises and movements makes both the nervous system and the glandular work. If you need to get rid of stress, but you’re a rather quiet person, of the yoga types that exist, this is the most suitable for you.

Other Types of Yoga

There are more than thirty different types of yoga. Each modality focuses on a goal. But they are all demanding for the body and mind. Acroyoga is perhaps the best known as most social challenges use their asanas. On the contrary, the most spiritual forms of yoga are less well-known, although they attract more once they are tested. Such is the case of Jivamukti yoga or Anusara yoga, for giving two examples.
