Spirulina: How to take this supplement to slim down

Spirulina How to take this supplement to slim down

Spirulina is one of the most popular food supplements of recent years. It is a single-celled algae that has a green and bluish color and, therefore, it is also known colloquially with the name of blue-green algae.

It is a supplement that is used to complement food and enjoy the benefits it brings to our body. But, in addition, it has been detected that spirulina is effective at thinning and, therefore, many people have begun to include it in their slimming diets.

In this article, we will discover how to take spirulina to lose weight and so know the way of use and the benefits that this algae brings to you in your weight loss goal.

Benefits of spirulina to lose weight:

Spirulina is mainly consumed as a food supplement, as it provides a large amount of vitamins and minerals essential to the body. Some of the nutrients it provides are iron, vitamin B, and essential fatty acids.

But, in addition, thanks to its interesting contribution to chlorophyll, spirulina is very beneficial for losing weight. This component helps to improve intestinal transit and thus remove toxins and reduce constipation, so we will achieve a more purified body without excesses.

It is also interesting when it comes to losing weight because spirulina gives us mucilage, a very satiating element, and that will make you feel less hungry when eating. So it’s a good ally to reduce hunger and you can lose weight easier and simpler.

Finally, within the benefits of spirulina for weight loss, we must point out that this is an ideal ingredient to detoxify the body and purify organs such as the kidneys and liver. This will help us prevent the body from filling with toxins and will therefore prevent us from keeping fluids, so cellulite appears.

Spirulina is also used by athletes as a supplement in their hypocaloric diets.


Tips for taking spirulina and slimming down

To incorporate spirulina into your slimming diet, you should take these tips and recommendations into account:

1. Spirulina can be taken in different formats, however, its presentation on pills is usually the most common for weight loss. The pills can be found in herbal or natural produce stores.

2. To slim down with spirulina you must take a maximum of 5 grams per day.

3. You should take spirulina half an hour before each meal to get the satiating effect and reduce the feeling of hunger.

4. In case you take it in its powdered format, the best way to include it in your habits is to add 1 tablespoon to liquid preparations such as juices or infusions. Although, if you prefer, you can add the powder in salads or in soups.

5. The taking of the spirulina should be progressive, that is, start with a lower dose, and, little by little, you can increase it to a maximum of 5 gr per day.

6. You should never exceed the recommended amount because excess spirulina can have negative consequences for the body such as dizziness, itching, stomach discomfort, and fever.
