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Sildenafil: When And How Should You Take It?


Sildenafil is a drug commonly known as Viagra. This is a treatment that is designed to prevent impotence or erectile dysfunction in men and thus be able to improve the individual’s sex life. It is a medicine that is taken orally and activates the production of nitric oxide, the vasodilator that will allow erection.

Then we will discover when and how to take Sildenafil so that you know the indicated dosage, as well as the indications related to its use. A very effective and popular remedy to avoid alterations related to sex life and re-enjoy satisfying intimacy.

What Patients Are You Indicated In?

The drug Sildenafil is indicated for patients with two specific profiles:

However, the most common use given to Sildenafil is to combat sexual problems within the male gender. However, we must avoid self-medication: we always have to go to a specialist and it is the doctor who prescribed this medicine.

What Is The Most Appropriate Dose?

If you want to know how to take Sildenafil you should keep in mind that this drug has a recommended dosage, especially if it is the first time you will take it.

Generally speaking, it is recommended that the lowest dose of the drug (i.e. 50 mg per day) be started and, if no improvement is noticed, it can be doubled to 100 mg daily. But we must also do the opposite, that is, if with 50 mg we notice enough improvement, the ideal is to lower the dose to 25 mg so as not to overstimulate the body.

In the case of you taking Sildenafil for pulmonary arterial hypertension, the dosage is different: you should take 20 mg times daily.

How Far Is It To Take It?

To know when to take Sildenafil it is essential that you take into account the time of the day you are on. That is, the indication is that you take the drug an average of 45 minutes before having sex; in addition, you should know that its effects can be extended up to 6 hours.

Keep in mind that Viagra or Sildenafil is taken when you want to have sex, therefore your intake will always be linked to the sexual act. Do not exceed the recommended dose because, as you have seen, its effects are very long-lasting and could cause great discomfort, discomfort, or even more serious situations.

Can You Eat With Alcohol or Food?

No. The use of Sildenafil correctly has these indications:

The reason is simple: if you take Sildenafil mixed with alcohol or food, fats, and alcohol can interfere with the principles of the drug and make them not take effect or, worse, create some unexpected reaction.

But… what if we’re gonna enjoy a romantic dinner? The most recommended thing is that you take Sildenafil 1 and a half hours before dinner so that fat or alcohol does not affect their composition. Remember that its duration is 6 hours, therefore, you have enough time to enjoy the whole evening.

What Are The Main Risks And Side Effects?

You should know that Sildenafil is a very safe and highly recommended medicine by the medical community. However, there are some risks to be taken into account, especially those that occur when taking a dose higher than that recommended by experts.

The most serious complication that can come from an excess of Sildenafil is to suffer from myocardial infarction; however, the most common thing is headaches, back, or feeling heat and redness in the face.

In addition, no dependence on Sildenafil has been detected at the moment. Patients who take this medicine regularly and have long had no complications or abnormalities in their daily functioning.

Who Shouldn’t Take Sildenafil? Contraindications

There are contraindications of Sildenafil that we must know to avoid its intake if we are in any of these situations. These are:

With Or Without A Prescription?

In Spain, Sildenafil is bought with a prescription, therefore, you will need a doctor to extend a prescription to start treatment.

However, in England, there is Viagra Connect, a type of drug that is marketed without a prescription. But, for the moment, in Spain, there is no such medicine and we only have Sildenafil, so you will need a prescription.

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