Scarlet Fever: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Scarlet Fever What It Is, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In the past, scarlet fever was a more common disease that mainly affected younger people. The so-called scarlet fever is an infection caused by a specific bacteria, a group A streptococcus. A century ago it was more serious, but it now appears less frequently, thanks to advances in medicine and the creation of antibiotics.

Once proper treatment is provided, the symptoms of scarlet fever or throat infections disappear shortly. Not so the eruptions, which can take two to three weeks to disappear.

What Is Scarlet Fever?

What is scarlet fever? As we have already commented, it is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus. Scarlet fever causes fever and a red rash to appear, even other ailments such as pharyngitis (throat pain) and tonsillitis (inflammation of palatine tonsils) may appear.

The main affected are children between the ages of 5 and 12, although they may also occur in people of any age. Although it was previously a serious illness, it is not so much now, although it needs antibiotic treatment to prevent the consequences from going further and worse over time.

What are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of scarlet fever? Keep reading and we’ll catch you up to everything you need to know.

Causes of Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is contracted when the person comes into contact with this bacteria through the nose or throat. Contaminated people can transmit the disease when coughing or sneezing, and even when talking it is possible that small drops of saliva loaded with this bacteria reach the nose or mouth of another person who is nearby.

It is also possible to get the disease if a person eats the same container that the infected individual has used. There are other forms of contagion that we are going to briefly expose:

For coming into contact with the sores on the skin of the patient, the result of the disease.

After touching objects and surfaces contaminated with the pathogen.

At a school where children play and stay together many hours a day.

Symptoms of Scarlet Fever

When the bacteria is introduced into the person’s body, the first symptoms that make an act of presence are sore throat and fever. After these common signals, the bacteria develop and cause a toxin, which is responsible for the reddish eruptions that come out in different areas of the skin.

Normally, these skin emissions appear on the face and neck area and from there extend to the rest of the body. The development process usually takes between one or two days after the affected person comes into contact with the bacteria.

Either way, the main symptoms of scarlet fever are as follows:

  • Fever, usually above 38ยบ.
  • Skin with red rashes, mainly in the area of the face, armpits, elbows, and groin. After a while, it is also possible that the skin will appear peeling.
  • The sensation of tiredness, discomfort, and general pain.
  • red throat and swollen glands, which prevents swallowing normally.
  • Uncomfortable feelings in the form of nausea, chills, vomiting, and headache.

It is not the most common thing but sometimes, scarlet fever can end up in something more serious, such as glomerulonephritis, an inflammation generated in the kidney that leads to protein loss, the appearance of dark urine, and even high blood pressure.

Treatment For Scarlet Fever

Normally, the patient is subjected to a streptococcal test to find out if the body has the bacteria of scarlet fever or any other. The aim is to determine the main cause of throat pain and other discomfort.

The way to do this is through a simple crop or throat swab, which consists of rubbing the throat with a swab to get a sample of saliva and mucous membrane cells. A blood test is also sometimes carried out to confirm that the contagion is the result of a streptococcus or other type of infection.

Although you may have heard of her, many people don’t know what scarlet fever is. However, there is no need to worry about, as an antibiotic prescribed by the doctor is usually enough to remove the bacteria. In addition, treatment prevents inflammatory diseases such as strep throat or rheumatic fever.

This type of antibiotic is presented in different formats, either orally or injectable, the most common being penicillin or amoxicillin. As for the skin rashes that appear on the skin, to eliminate them as soon as possible, the professional usually prescribes another type of medication specially created for this.

We’ve made you aware of what scarlet fever is, what are its main symptoms and the most effective treatment to follow. However, special attention should be paid to the issue of food during the disease. The infected person may suffer a throat irritation that prevents him from eating normally. For this reason, it is most convenient to take soft foods to facilitate your intake and take care of the temperature (the most convenient is that the food be served temperate).

Drinking fluids for the duration of the disease is also important to help dissolve and expel the phlegms originating in the airways, whether soups, smoothies, drinks, or teas.

As for the area where the sick person rests, it must be wet and have a cool and renovated atmosphere to prevent the air from drying up and be able to breathe properly.
