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Processed Foods That Are Healthy

Processed Foods That Are Healthy

There is a great debate in society about processed food and its effects on our health. But we must take into account that, in addition to fresh and natural products 100%, the vast majority of foods we consume are processed. What does it mean that a food has been processed? For, to a greater or lesser extent, it has been manipulated and altered by the human being.

Although at first glance may seem very obvious, the truth is that there are healthy processed foods. They are those foods that have been processed slightly and that continue to maintain much of their nutrients and vitamin intake. However, ultra-processed are those that have been manipulated so much that, at present, they do not resemble the original food.

Here we will find out what healthy processed foods are so you start destroying myths and can design a healthy and balanced diet.

List of Healthy Processed Foods

When we think of processed foods, I’m sure what comes to mind first are products like cakes or burgers. And yes: these two examples are ultra-processed foods that have suffered great manipulation before reaching our table. But if we mention olive oil or milk, don’t we think changes? They have also been prosecuted but to a lesser extent.

That’s why, when we talk about processed foods, we have to differentiate those that have been slightly manipulated from those that are ultra-processed. Because, currently, in the society in which we live, the vast majority of products we buy in the supermarket (except for some frescoes) are processed. Then let’s leave you a complete list with examples of healthy processed foods that you can include in your diet.

Whole grain or whole grain bread

One of the healthiest processed foods that exist is whole bread. In general, bread is a food that, to be able to present itself at our table, has had to go through a cooking and processing process. But within the bread, the white is the one that has been processed the most because it has been refined and adulterated with a lot of sugars. In this case, we would say that white bread is ultra-processed and the integral is processed, so the integral can be part of your diet because it has nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Legumes in a jar

It is very common to find chickpeas, beans, or lentils in glass cans. Are they healthy foods? Well, they are. It’s healthier if you prepare legumes yourself and avoid buying them already cooked. But, anyway, its nutritional contribution is also very high and is an interesting type of product for the times in which we have to balance time and health. That’s right: opt for the legumes cooked in boats and avoid those that come prepared in cans or canned ones. The latter do have a large amount of additives and added fats.

Spelled flour, wheat, legumes…

Within healthy processed foods we should also mention the flours. But flours that are not refined, as it contains a large amount of sugars and few nutrients. The ones made from pelta, wheat, quinoa, or legumes are the best options for you to prepare your dishes and enjoy a nutritious and healthy recipe.

Pasta and brown rice

And we end up talking about another type of food that usually generates confusion when establishing a healthy diet: pasta and rice. If you opt to buy the white versions of these products, you’re eating sugar. They are ultra-processed and lose most nutrients in the refining process. However, if you opt for the integral version of these foods you will enjoy a much more nutritious and interesting dish for your body.

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