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Life Is Like A Game

Life Is Like A Game

Life is like a game and it is important to be aware that I am playing my game and winning or losing depends on me. We are always playing since it is impossible not to play or not to make a move. And if you don’t do it, someone will do it for you and push you into a game you have not chosen, feeling manipulated by it.

In every game, as in life, we pursue a goal It is important to be clear about it, define it, and be aware of it so that we can move our pieces well and study our play. Planning our decisions, having a plan, and moving forward is also part of life.

The strategy

Having a strategy means thinking of a move, which if successful, can make you the winner of that game.  Thinking of a move is defining what the next step is, making decisions, and going for them. What happens next depends on your strategy.

Every step we take in life has consequences, both for life and for others, because, in turn, our steps will make other people make their own decisions. Think carefully about your strategy so as not to harm anyone, while at the same time, you walk and move forward to achieve your goals.

In some cases, your strategy or plan will not work out as you thought, this is part of life and the game. It also helps you learn from failure or error, accept the consequences it may have brought you and move on with the game.

Life is like a game in which you are not alone.

In games and life, every decision we make always affects other people. Sometimes, relying on other people and reaching agreements with them to join forces, complement work, and unite hopes is a good way to achieve success in the game. So, benefit from the experience and advice of more experienced players than you.

Make a move, always

Even if you don’t have a very elaborate strategy, even if it seems difficult or impossible, even if you no longer know where you want to direct your life, don’t stop moving your piece, because the worst decision is always the one that is not made.

And even if the decision made turns out wrong, moving forward by learning from bad moves is also moving forward, since at least we are ruling out where we do not want to go again.

A game without playing

You can take some time off from playing, and take some time to reflect and rest, but it can only be a limited time, so make good use of it to observe, think, and develop your new strategy.

It’s always good to stop from time to time, regain strength, think outside the game, and then come back with more energy.  The others are waiting for you to join in to play with you, so decide your next move carefully.

The one who enjoys playing the most is always the winner.

Life is like a game and it is also the longest game we know since we cannot stop playing or moving forward as long as we live. And if we give up we will have lost our life, since living is always playing.

That’s why you have to enjoy yourself while playing, have fun with every decision, be aware of every step, and make the most of every moment. Besides being the best way to pursue success, it is already the success of the winner.

A winner is someone who plays with joy, lives with enthusiasm and learns from their mistakes to always continue moving forward and creating new ways to achieve what they set out to do.

Don’t hesitate, in life, as in gambling, you are already a winner if you decide to be one.  Regardless of the result, playing is already worth it when, in addition to having a good time, you have enjoyed it. Shall we continue playing?

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