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Learn How To Make A Delicious Beet Salad

Beet Salad

Beet (Beta vulgaris) is a vegetable whose root is an edible tuber of very characteristic flavor and color. In intense dark red-like wine, it tastes a little bitter and sweet at the same time. Beet Salad is a delicious preparation for consuming this vegetable.

Also known as beet, among other names, and in the kitchen it is usually used in various ways.  This proposal provides an option to enjoy its characteristics in terms of taste and texture, and also to benefit health with its nutrients.

Nutrients and Benefits of Beet:

All these components of beet, together, make it a food of great antioxidant value. In addition, according to nutritionists, those who consume it obtain a high percentage of nutrients.

When Buying the Beet?

To ensure its freshness and that it contains all the elements and nutrients mentioned when buying, you have to choose those that have the following characteristics:

Beet Salad, Apple, and Orange

This exquisite recipe includes ingredients that together with the Beet result in a very harmonious combination of flavors. The proportions of this Beet Salad are designed for approximately eight diners:


Preparation of Beet Salad

Betabel or beet can be prepared in many other ways. For example roast, in soups and purees. Learning to make this delicious Beet Salad, a colorful and nutritious dish is available.

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