How An Antidepressant Works In The Brain

An antidepressant in the brain produces physiological changes that result in an improvement in mood. These changes are induced by the chemical action of the drugs and have a limited duration. They also generate a series of side effects that have not yet been fully understood.

Depression is almost an epidemic in the world. Reported cases increase year after year and it is known that there is underreporting. That is, not all those who suffer from this condition go to a doctor’s office. What is known is that the consumption of pills has increased worldwide. Hence the importance of knowing how an antidepressant works in the brain.

It is important to note that pills are not the only way to treat the problem. An antidepressant in the brain moderates the symptoms of the disorder, but does not eliminate them . In other words, it makes it go into a latent state, but does not end it. That is why there are treatments exclusively focused on the psychological. There are also alternative interventions such as those offered by psychoanalysis or meditation.

“ The price to get out of depression is humility .”

-Bert Hellinger-

The action of an antidepressant on the brain

When we talk about antidepressants, we are talking about a wide range of drugs . We basically find the classic tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).

Let’s look at each of them in more detail:

  • Classic tricyclics . These are the most traditional and consist of a ring with seven elements and a terminal nitrogen with three elements. They stimulate the production of serotonin , but do not inhibit its reuptake. They have many side effects.
  • SSRIs . They increase serotonin levels and prevent them from being recaptured or reabsorbed by the body. They are apparently safer, although Prozac, the flagship brand of these drugs, has been strongly questioned by some scientists.
  • SSRIs . These are considered the most effective. They have the advantage that they do not produce sedation. However, the effect of this antidepressant on the brain sometimes leads to tremors, changes in appetite and other symptoms.

According to most scientists, antidepressants do not cause physical addiction, although they can cause psychological addiction . Several studies have shown that these pills have very harmful effects, particularly when they are taken for more than five years. A responsible psychiatrist views drugs as a temporary aid, not as a condition on which a patient must depend for life.

Other ways to deal with depression

Although an antidepressant helps the brain to generate and maintain a relatively stable good mood, it ultimately does not solve the core problem . It is possible to overcome depression, but this cannot be achieved with pills alone. Conventional treatment for this type of disorder requires that pharmacological intervention be combined with psychotherapy. These two factors together provide a way out.

The drug is a temporary aid. It serves to moderate the symptoms and make psychotherapeutic work possible . Human beings are not only a biological body, but also symbolic beings.

This means that neurotransmitters determine our mood, but also  the way we interpret and give meaning to experiences . No pill gives meaning to our lives. This is only achieved through processes that allow us to reinterpret and construct new meanings.

Alternative approaches

Now, from a psychoanalytic point of view, depression is not a clinical entity in itself. It has more to do with a way of facing reality. Jacques Lacan spoke of depression as a manifestation of “moral cowardice.” It would be the effect of “giving in to desire,” that is, of not reaffirming one’s being. The person does not assume full responsibility for his or her own life and actions. Failure to do so leads to depression.

From the point of view of Eastern philosophies, depression is the fruit of excessive attachments . The emphasis is placed on something external; the very thing on which one depends. This dependence, in turn, leads to fear and denial of transience. This is one of the possible explanations for depression.

Some studies tell us that psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and meditation can have effects similar to those of a drug . The action of an antidepressant on the brain is almost immediate and short in time. Psychotherapy requires greater effort on the part of the patient and is slower. In return, it has no side effects, gives the patient control over his or her life and is directed at the root of the problem.

All sources cited were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Del Río, J. (2004). Antidepressant and antimanic drugs . Florez J (Director). Human Pharmacology. Masson, Barcelona.