With HITT for beginners, you can get very similar results to those you’d get with long-term cardio exercises. Now, the time you’ll spend is shorter, because with 10 or 15 minutes you’ll have more than enough. In addition, this type of training is just as effective for people who train regularly and for sedentary people. Do you want to know what HIIT is and how you can use it in your day-to-day life?
What is HIIT?
HITT comes from the words High-Intensity Interval Training, or what is the same, high-intensity interval training. This training for beginners consists of interspersing short-term intervals in which we work at a high intensity with longer ones of reduced activity or rest.
So you understand well we’ll set you a clear example. Imagine starting with a race at maximum speed for 60 seconds and then taking a break or walking for 90 seconds. This type of exercise should be repeated as many times as you can, being a clear HIIT workout.
When we talk about maximum intensity, we mean to give everything during that short period. It is logical that after doing each exercise you end up almost breathless and that is precisely what you are looking for.
Examples of HIIT Workouts for Beginners
The best thing for people who start is to work with a reduced time and gradually increase it over time. It is also possible to reduce intensity and increase it as we progress.
Either way, once you know what HITT is and what it consists of, we’re going to provide you with some examples of exercises for you to put them into practice:
- Jumping jacks
The position is vertical, with the feet at the height of the hip and the arms arranged on both sides. Then jump as you raise your arms, repeating that same movement as quickly as you can.
- Sumo squats
With feet slightly more separate than the hips and toes at a 45o angle, crotch without moving the heels, with your chest upright and your back straight. The thighs should go in parallel to the floor and when you go up you must squeeze buttocks and quadriceps.
- Push-ups
It consists of doing traditional arm push-ups, but if you can’t perform them, choose to place your hands in a chair or similar, or rest your knees on the ground.
- Squats
Traditional squats are a good HIIT exercise for beginners. Now, if you still have a lot of time making them, use a chair as a support. Also, don’t forget to put your feet under your hips and bear the weight of your body on your heels.
- Funds
On your back, rest your hands on a bench, table, or chair. With your knees flexed like you’re sitting down, go down as much as you can and get back to the starting position. As long as you do this exercise don’t forget to squeeze your abdomen.
- Side Lunges
Not forgetting that the body weight must fall on the heels, move one leg to one side, and rest the foot on the ground at the same time as lowering the body and flexing the knees. The leg thigh you have moved must be parallel to the ground, and the foot and knee point in the same direction. Then, repeat the same with the other leg.
These trainings usually last a maximum of 10 or 15 minutes, so it is necessary to put everything on our side so that they are effective. These are short but very intense exercises, although if you’re starting you’ll have to take it easy and go little by little.