Hemicraneal: When And How We Should Take It?


Some common and frequent ailments can alter our day-to-day life in a very notorious way. Migraines are one of these conditions that also affect 12% of the world’s population causing severe headaches, general discomfort, drowsiness, etc.

To treat migraine, there is a medicine that is well-known and recommended by pharmacists: Hemicraneal. Then we’ll find out when to take Hemicranal and how to take it so you can say goodbye to the symptoms and pains linked to this type of headache.

Use of Hemicraneal

Hemicranal is a drug that is considered anti-immigration, i.e. it is specially designed to treat migraine ailments and their most common symptoms.

If you want to know how to take Hemicraneal you should keep in mind that it is a very specific medicine and that it will only help you if you are suffering from a migraine crisis. We recommend that you always follow the instructions your doctor or pharmacist has prescribed to take this drug healthily.

Anyway, you should know that for the correct use of this medicine, the recommended dose is 1 suppository at the time when you feel the first symptoms. The idea is to put on 1 suppository every 8 hours, never surpassing 6 on the same day or 10 in the same week. If you see that the signs of the migraine do not refer, you can get more followed but without exceeding 6 per day.

Hemicranal is a medicine that is composed of the following:

  • Paracetamol
  • Caffeine
  • Ergotamine

The last two components are those that are specially designed to reduce headaches thanks to their vasoconstrictor effect. With the painkiller effect of Paracetamol, you will be able to feel a great improvement within a few hours.

Once you’ve bought this drug, you should know that its conservation and maintenance meet very concise premises to prevent it from spoiling. You have to keep it in a space whose temperature is less than 25ÂșC and, above all, that is far from the reach of children. Before taking a suppository, check the expiry date of the medicine (it will appear to you on the carton next to the initials CAD).

Special Precautions

Hemicranal is a very effective medicine and is recommended by doctors, however, it also has special precautions that we should take into account. Here is the list:

  • Not suitable for children under 12 years of age
  • Do not exceed 6 tablets in one day or 10 per week
  • Not to combine with other drugs containing ergotamine, triptans, or dihydroergotamine
  • It should only be used when an acute migraine attack or severe headache is being experienced. It’s a palliative, not a preventive treatment.
  • In case you feel tingling, burning, coldness, or numbness of hands or feet, you stop taking this drug

The limitation of taking Hemicranal is very important because, if you exceed yourself, you may suffer vasospasms or problems in the heart valves. It is always advisable to talk to your doctor and follow the indications that the professional prescribes.

Side Effects:

We also want to emphasize the side effects of Hemicranal, so that you know them and take into account the effects it can produce on your body. The most important thing is to avoid taking Hemicranal with other medicines that contain triptans, ergotamine, or dihydroergotamine because the components could mix and end up causing severe havoc on health. In addition, it is not recommended to take this drug for migraines if you are taking these other medicines:

  • Macrolide Antibiotics
  • Beta-blockers because they increase the risk of ischemia.

But what are the most common side effects of Hemicranal? Here’s a list of the most common:

  • Presence of dizziness
  • The sensation of nausea or vomiting
  • Pains in the abdomen area
  • Tingling in feet or hands
  • Appearance of diarrhea

Weakness in the arms and legs (uncommon)

One of the main contraindications of Hemicranal is related to pregnant or breast-feeding women. It should not be taken in any of these cases because it could affect both the mother and the baby. If you are pregnant and have severe migraines, tell your doctor to prescribe the most suitable medicine for your condition.
