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Gas Medicines: Pharmacy and Natural

Gas Medicines Pharmacy and Natural

Gases are a condition that affects health and are very annoying for the person who suffers from them. These can be generated by foods that produce gases.

The accumulation of gas in the intestines can cause us to feel severe pains in the abdominal area and that we cannot make our lives normally. That’s why we want to make a small summary of medicines from both pharmacy and natural to treat gases, which exist today and which will help you deal with this condition that is affecting your health.

Medicines of Pharmacy

In the pharmacy, you can find medicines for gases, which are specially designed to eliminate the accumulation of flatulence and get immediate relief. They are drugs that have chemical principles that manage to break with those gases that have remained in the digestive tract. Thanks to its intake, it is almost certain to be able to say goodbye to the abdominal pain and nausea that gases usually cause.

These are some of the best medicines for pharmacy gases, well known for their high efficacy. Although these drugs can be purchased without a prescription in any pharmacy, it is always important that it is not self-medicated, under any circumstances it is best to go to the doctor for an evaluation and prescription of the most suitable medicine for each patient.

This is one of the most famous medicines for the best-known flatulence. It has the active substance Simethone and helps destroy the gas bubbles that are created in the intestine. Only by taking a tablet you can already notice the effects of the drug and reduce swelling of the belly, suntos, bursts, etc. They are sold in tablet format that can suck or chew and have different flavors.

To take Aero Red just take these tips into account:

– Adult-only suitable (for children, consult with a specialist)

2 tablets should be taken after meal and dinner

Do not consume more than 4 tablets per day

The pills should be chewed up well before they are swallowed

Another effective medicine for the most effective gases is Pankreoflat. It is a drug that occurs in pills and will calm the pains and discomfort caused by gases. It has dimethicone as an active substance, a very effective component to eliminate the accumulation of gases. Important: this medicinal product has sucrose, therefore, is not recommended for people with an allergy to that ingredient.

Here’s how to take Pankreoflat:

It is a drug recommended for adults only

1 or 2 pills after a meal and dinner

Iberogast is another medicine that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is a product that is made from plants and that helps to reduce symptoms related to flatulence. It is designed for those over 12 years of age and can be found in different formats: drops, syrup, etc. When it is composed of plants, it is essential to read the package leaflet carefully. To take Iberogast only these tips should be taken into account:

  1. Take the product 3 times a day before or during meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  2. The medicine should be shaken before being consumed
  3. If you don’t notice improvement at 7 days, consult a doctor

Natural Remedies for Gas

But in addition to drugs, there are also natural remedies that help improve health and reduce symptoms. Here we leave some of the most suitable for flatulence.

Lemon is an ideal fruit to relieve gastrointestinal ailments, as it helps regulate the pH of the stomach naturally. For this reason, it is recommended to incorporate diluted lemon juice in water and drink it during the day. You can also add half a teaspoon of bicarbonate to accelerate gas removal.

Another natural gas medicine is apple vinegar, a perfect seasoning to help regulate loose stomach acids and improve stomach traffic. To do this, you should mix 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar with 2 honey in a glass of water. Ingesting this mix throughout the day will help you notice a great improvement.

And we ended up talking about another natural remedy for gases that is very effective: celery. It is a vegetable that has digestive and carminative properties that will help improve our stomach’s well-being. To do this, you should only boil a little celery in a pot with water and allow the infusion for about 5 minutes. Drink this brew 2 or 3 times a day and the gases are disappearing.

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