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Foods With Gluten

Foods with gluten

Foods with gluten are those containing some gluten cereal or in which gluten has been added in the processing process. It is a protein present in cereals such as rye, barley, or wheat, although it is possible to find them on the market with the identification brand – without gluten, being suitable for celiacs.

What Foods Contain Gluten?

Foods with gluten are the cereals mentioned, as well as pastry products, breads, pizzas, and pasta. All of them are made from wheat flour or similar ones, not suitable for celiacs. In addition, it should be borne in mind that many foods have gluten in the form of traces.

Betting on a gluten-free diet is not as simple as it seems. This set of proteins is used in the production of all types of processed foods, so it is difficult to rule them out of the diet.

At the home of a celiac, foods certified with the seal without gluten, as well as gluten-free flours, duly certified, to bounce, empanados or desserts should not be missed. Either way, here are we going to name some of the most prominent gluten foods on the market so you have a rough idea:

What Foods Do NOT Have Gluten?

Most gluten foods have other gluten-free variants, something that is usually specified in the product. Its labeling is what will help us to identify and distinguish the products as “free gluten” or low gluten.

A gluten-free diet should be based on foods that do not carry gluten in essence, such as legumes, vegetables, seafood, dairy, eggs, fish, or meat. In its natural form, they never wear gluten, unless they have been processed and on the label specifies something as “can contain traces of gluten.”

According to the Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain, some of the most popular gluten-free foods we will find on the market are as follows:

With these gluten-free foods, we have everything we need to create a healthy and balanced diet. However, it will also be necessary to include carbohydrates in the form of specific gluten-free products such as pasta or bread.

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