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Food with Fiber

Food with Fiber

If you want to have a healthy and balanced diet, nothing better than to include fiber in your diet. It is a perfect component to improve intestinal transit and, therefore, to purify the organism internally. In addition, it also has a satiating effect, so it is highly recommended in case of want to lose weight or start a diet to lose weight.

Fiber has an essential role to play in maintaining the flora and helping us eliminate waste, so we will achieve greater digestive well-being. It is important to know which foods with fiber we can include in our diet and, therefore, in this article, we will give you a list of 5 of the most interesting.

Fiber-rich foods will help you improve your health in general and avoid conditions such as constipation, obesity, or colon problems. Include these foods in your diet and bet on a healthier life.

List of Foods Rich in Fiber:

Foods rich in fiber contain soluble and insoluble fibers in different proportions. The soluble ones are found in greater quantity in the pulp of fruits, cereals, legumes, and vegetable leaves; while insoluble fibers are found in the vegetable skeleton, and the shell of fruits and cereals. But both are necessary to fulfill an elementary function, in addition to helping to prevent obesity, colon and rectum cancer, hypertension, and cardiovascular pathologies.

The recommended fiber intake ranges from 25-35 gr per day and is accompanied by plenty of fluid. The most recommended is to have a varied feeding pattern.

These are foods with more essential fiber in the diet:

Foods Rich in Insoluble Fibre:

– Wheat flour

– bran

– peas

– cabbage

– Cereals

– ripe fruit

Foods Rich in Soluble Fiber:

– Oats

– Plums

– Carrot

– dried beans

Lentils (And Vegetables in General)

Any type of legume is a good source of minerals, and also fiber (some also vitamins). Specifically, lentils are at the forefront with 7.7g of fiber per 100gr. The white beans are a little below 7.3gr, and the peanut provides 8.4gr of fiber, although it is very caloric it takes more as an appetizer than as food.

Nuts and Other Dry Fruits, Foods Rich in Fiber

Both nuts and most dried fruits are indeed listed as contributing to calories and fats, but they are also satiating and are usually consumed as an appetizer or between hours. The nuts provide for every 100gr 6.7gr of fiber, but raw almonds exceed the nuts: 12.5 gr of fiber.

Cereals, Basic in Food

Cereals are an ideal meal for breakfasts, or on flakes, toasted bread, or bran muffins. Thus, from whole wheat, we can obtain 11gr of fiber in 100 flour, and oats 8.4gr, in addition to providing multiple benefits for the body.

What Fruits Contain More Fiber?

Fruits with fine skin are advisable to eat after washing as the fiber intake is higher. A water pear gives us 7.1gr, the 5.4gr apple, and the 3.4gr peach of fiber per piece. From orange, we get 4.4gr, the grapefruit 3.7gr, and banana 3.5gr for each piece peeled.

Vegetables and Greens

Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and chardy provide good amounts of healthy fibers. Vegetables such as carrots own for every 100gr 2.8 of fiber, broccoli 2.6gr, and natural tomato 1.1gr.

The Function of the fiber

Fiber is a plant component, which is part of the structure of the plants and is found in all foods that we feed on them, such as cereals, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. But plant fiber is not a nutrient, as it does not participate in the metabolic process directly – because the human digestive system does not have enzymes to hydrolyze it.

The fiber is fermented in the intestines through intestinal microbiota enzymes. However, it performs important physiological functions, such as the stimulation of intestinal peristasis.

Regular fiber consumption produces great benefits in the human body: it regulates the intestine, prevents constipation, has a satiating effect, and reduces the absorption of cholesterol, glucose, and bile acids.

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