One of the most important and dangerous brain conditions is stroke, a condition that can become fatal and is also considered the first cause of adults to suffer from some kind of disability. But is the same a stroke and a stroke? In this article we will discover to you what are the main differences between stroke and Cerebral Hemorrhage so that, thus, you know better both conditions and know how to differentiate them.
What is a stroke?
To know what the differences are between stroke and stroke it is important that, first, we know better each type of condition. In the case of stroke, we are faced with a condition that directly affects the blood flow of a part of the brain.
The stroke causes blood not to reach the brain properly and that, therefore, this area of our vital organ can be affected in a timely manner or, in the worst case, permanently. A stroke can be of hemorrhagic or ischemic type and know which of the two we are in is vital to be able to treat it properly.
Collectually, stroke is also known as stroke, but it’s not really exactly the same. Then we tell you.
What is a Cerebral Hemorrhage?
Often, the term stroke and stroke are confused and, although similar conditions are not exactly the same. When we talk about stroke we’re talking about a kind of stroke: hemorrhagic stroke. That is, this condition causes a blood vessel to be broken from the brain and, therefore, that there is bleeding in this organ.
As the rupture of the vessel exists, the blood is expelled very quickly by the entire vital organ and its accumulation can lead to strong pressure in the brain, something that can lead to serious cognitive health consequences.
What is the difference between a stroke and a hemorrhage?
Now that we know the definition of both conditions, we can already address the doubt we had at the beginning. The difference between stroke and stroke is a very basic one: the stroke is a type of stroke, the hemorrhagic, which is the one that causes the blood to be thrown away by the brain due to the breakdown of the blood vessel.
Therefore, the two terms are actually a stroke, but the word stroke is the one that has been used most colloquially to refer to the main consequence of that accident: that the brain is filled with the blood that springs from the affected blood vessel.
According to the medical community, it is preferable to use the word stroke to refer to this condition, since the word spill only describes one of its types.
In any case, in the event of any anomaly experienced it is important to go to a doctor immediately so that he can perform a thorough and personalized analysis. The longer it takes to act, the greater the sequelae of this stroke can become and therefore the more risk to the patient’s health.
– Martinez-Vila, E., & Irimia, P. (2000). Risk factors for stroke. In Annals of the Navarre health system (Vol. 23, pp. 25-31).
– Ustrell-Roig, X., & Serena-Leal, J. (2007). Ictus. Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. Revista española de cardiología, 60(7), 753-769.
– Silván, C. M. What are the Consequences of a Brain Waste?