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Dare To Be Yourself Every Day Of Your Life

Do you dare to be yourself? Many of us live our day-to-day thinking more about what others will say than about ourselves.  We live in constant fear of being ourselves, which leads us to try to be how the people we respect, love, and “believe” expect us to be and want us to be. In short, we almost always end up doing the actions that others would like, seeking to achieve what they long for but not what we feel.

I have often asked myself the “ why” of this energy that drives us to live our fantastic lives like this. I came to the conclusion that when you love or care for someone, you are driven by the continuous desire not to let them down and to seek their acceptance with pride.

But I would like to reach an agreement between the two of us to continue this story. To do so, I would love for you to ask yourself the following question:  “ What is an opinion for you? ”  I am sure that our answers will be similar.

Being yourself can be difficult if you’re always focused on what other people will think of you.

One of the things you may have thought is surely similar and universal: the opinion of the person we love with all our being conditions us and matters so much, that it often leads us to be what we are not, to leave aside our being and essence, and in many cases abandon it forever.

It may also happen that we stop being what we are to find mutual consensus and support for something that is not to the liking of that very important person. Something dangerous that conditions us to stay at that point and always respond with a yes full of doubts and resignation. In short, what we are not. But the important thing is to be sure and trust in ourselves; in this way, we will be able to accept the advice of others and not condition ourselves.

Friendship, is a fundamental support

An essential part of developing ourselves fully as who we are and shining with our light is friendship.  Those people we choose, who do not come to us by chance and who, when they are authentic, care about giving us the best. The best advice usually comes from them since they know us too well, both our vulnerabilities and our strengths.

For all these reasons, we can be so affected by the beliefs that we may have about ourselves.  The good thing about your best friends? They always have something extraordinary to transmit to you or to help you improve. They even give you the feeling that they know us better than we do.

In short, as I shared with you at the beginning, we live our day-to-day trying to make the people we love happy, trying at all times not to disappoint them, and in the end, having as a consequence who we are not.

Being yourself means not disappointing others, but not disappointing yourself; being yourself means stopping prioritizing external opinions and prioritizing your own. What are you waiting for to be yourself?

Take control of your life!

But I invite you to take a moment to reflect and answer the following powerful questions: Have you ever wondered if you feel free? Are you happy with your life and how you are? Are you proud of yourself? Do you know what your dream is? And the most important of all, do you do what you feel or what you should?  If you answer these questions with a negative, it will probably be time to turn your life around and take the reins of your desires, be the captain of your destiny, and fly free. Without masks or excessive conditioning from your environment. 

But I cannot say goodbye to you today without telling you that the opinion of the people around us is very important, necessary, and a support when it comes to improving ourselves. The people who love us, you know, are the best counselors and teachers we can have. They know you better than anyone else and sometimes even better than you since your fears do not condition them, and they can be free.

I invite you to stop for a moment, take a moment for yourself and your fantastic heart, and think honestly about who you are and who you want to become, to become.  Do you feel good about it? Are all your emotions and vital sensations in order, where they should be for you to feel good?

You already know that you have the power and the resources to make as many positive changes in your life as you need.  Life creates us to feel good about ourselves, to love ourselves, to understand ourselves, and to give the best of ourselves to the world and those around us. And to do this, we need to be honest. In short, ourselves.

There is nothing more powerful than someone who believes in themselves and is excited to achieve their dreams and desires.

Dare to integrate into your daily life the belief that “the greatest power that exists in the world is the belief in oneself” and use it with yourself and your soul, with all your heart. Dare to be, as they say, the captain of your soul, of your destiny.

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