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Cytology: What Is It And What Is It For?


Any pathology in the female reproductive system is much easier to treat or relieve if detected in time. Hence, whether you have already had intimate relationships or are older than 25 years, it is fervently advised that once a year an appointment be requested with the gynecologist to perform cytology.

Through this test and the analysis of the mucosa removed, it is checked whether everything is going as it should or if there is a problem, as well as detecting the stage at which it is located, initial or advanced. This is especially pressing in two situations: intention to have children and diagnosis of cancer cells in time. But what is cytology? When should it be done? Is it painful? We resolve all your doubts about cytology.

If what you’re looking for is preventing the onset of uterine cancer, you must mind that performing a cytology is not a panacea. Now, he is a major signal collector and data. Keep in mind that, in uterine cancer, there are no reliable symptoms in the early stages that indicate that cancer cells are being developed. However, a high percentage of women avoid going through the consultation, for fear of receiving bad news, suffering discomfort, or even shame when explored by a stranger.

Outerine cancer is the second most common in women, only surpassed by breast cancer. There have been cases where both tumors exist simultaneously. That is why performing cytology once a year is a simple act that can make the difference between living or dying, or being able to form a family or not.

What Is And What A Cytology Is For?

Vaginal cytology or Pap test is a study of cells in the cervix of the uterus. Samples are obtained by light scraping of the wall of the cerebeat. The purpose of this test is to check whether any changes or abnormalities in the cervix cells may be indicative of the presence of cancer.

Through this gynecological study, it can also be confirmed whether there is any type of infection, such as gonorrhea or candidiasis. Similarly, hormonal diagnoses such as endometriosis may be obtained. In any case, in the event of any abnormal results, the gynecologist must report on the next steps to be taken to definitively confirm the initial diagnosis and begin with the most appropriate treatment according to each patient.

How A Cytology Is Done?

Cycology does not involve any serious risk to the patient. It is a simple procedure where the woman sits on the couch with the supports for the feet, and is placed on the edge of it with her legs completely open, in the same posture as when giving birth. The doctor then proceeds to open the channel with a type of forceps or speculum, where he can explore the patient’s cervix. Subsequently, a spatula or brush is inserted and samples of the fluids of the wall or vaginal exudate are collected. Older, the gynecologist extracts material to analyze from the area of the exocérvix or outer part of the cervix of the uterus.

All this in just a few minutes. It is important to be relaxed so that there is no greater discomfort either while the opening is done or while the material is extracted for analysis.

These samples are taken to the lab. The results usually take several days. Unless they find some kind of pathological sign, the results are sent straight home.

Diseases that can be detected through the cytology or test of the Pap:

The vaginal examination carried out with cytology can yield results on both cervical or uterine cancer and trace the presence of the human papillomavirus (also related to these cancers) in addition to evaluating the level of risk of progression and development of cervical cancer or the presence of bacterial vaginosis (responsible among others for the appearance of candidiasis).

When To Do A Cytology?

One of the most common doubts among women and young people is when the time is right to do the first cytology and who should undergo this innocuous test.

Gynecologists recommend that the first cytology be done at the age of 21 or at the time when sexual intercourse or contact between sexual organs begins to be sexual. Reasons? From the age of 21, the female reproductive system is mature and begins its most fertile and sexually active stage (although gynecologists point out that the advancement of sexual intercourse at an earlier age is generating forced maturation). Some female genital cancers have a direct cause-and-effect relationship with sexually transmitted diseases, such as the involvement of the human papillomavirus.

When you have a very active sex life or you have had several sexual partners; in those women who have been diagnosed as positive in cancer cells or dysfunctional dysfunctions in the reproductive system, where they serve as an instrument to follow each case.

After the first cytology, it is recommended until the age of 30 to request a cytology at least every two years. From the age of 65 to 70, Social Security stops convening you for the annual review as long as the results in previous years are negative.

Does that mean I can’t follow up on myself? On the contrary, since much of the cases of uterine cancer have developed in older ages. If you want to continue with prevention, it is recommended to go to private gynecologists.


Do I have to do some kind of preparation before cytology? In the case of this gynecological analysis, it will be enough to take into account several recommendations, without further preparations or extra measures to be taken before making vaginal cytology.

On the one hand, the test should be done after 4 or 5 days after the completion of the menstruation of the month. It is also recommended to avoid sexual intercourse at least 48 hours before. In both cases, alterations can occur in fluids that yield unconnected or invalid results.

Another advice from gynecologists is to avoid using egg, creams, or spermicide treatments on the days before cytology or washing on the day of the appointment with the gynecologist.

This information does not in any case replace the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms occur in case of illness and never self-medicate.

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