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Cherries: Properties and Benefits

Cherries Properties and Benefits

The cherry trees in bloom are one of the most beautiful shows in nature, being the flowering of the Valley of the Jerte one of the most celebrated. But if its flower causes admiration, cherry, the delicious fruit of cherry, is one of the most anticipated fruits of the end of spring and the beginning of summer, a short season that runs from May to July.

Cherry is a fruit native to Asia Minor and is characterized by its intense red color, rich and fleshy pulp, and the amount of properties and benefits it brings. In addition, cherry also has a leading role in numerous recipes of smoothies, juices, liquors, and desserts.

Properties Of The Cherries:

Cherries are a fruit with few calories, about 52-59 calories per 100 grams, being also poor in fats and proteins and rich in carbohydrates.

It has a high content of potassium, fiber, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B3, and B6, vitamin C, vitamins D and E, folic acid, beta-carotene or provitamin A, as well as in anthocyanins and elegy acid, and high-quality antioxidants. Antioxidants provide the intense red color of the fruit among which are cheese, lutein, and zeaxanthin. It also provides minerals such as magnesium, iron, and calcium.

Finally, cherries also have melatonin, a hormone needed for the regulation of the biological clock, being the only natural source of this hormone. Supplements of this hormone are usually used in slimming diets, as well as in insomnia treatments.

Among the many benefits that the cherries bring are:

It Has A High Anti-Aging Power

The high antioxidant content makes cherries an anti-aging food, favoring the purification of the body and protecting the nervous system and cardiovascular systems. They’re very rich in flavonoids.

Helps Care For The Skin

Along with antioxidants, cherries provide vitamin A in quantity, plus vitamin C, an ideal combination to protect and soften the skin. In addition, cherries favor the reduction of cellulite by improving microcirculation. The carotene it possesses also helps the tan of the skin.

Prevents Diabetes

The consumption of cherries helps prevent diabetes and can be introduced into the diet of diabetic people, as they are well tolerated by the low glycaemic index they have.

Helps Reduce Rheumatism and Arthritis Pains

By having anti-inflammatory properties, cherries also help reduce pain caused by rheumatism and arthritis.

They Are Ideal for Weight Loss

Its high content of fiber, water, and potassium with satiating, diuretic, and laxative effects is ideal for weight loss diets. You can take these fruits at any time of the day and enjoy their vitamin and satiating contribution.

Helps Cope with Gout

They are an excellent remedy for lowering uric acid in blood, being an ideal tool to deal with gout attacks.

Helps Regulate Sleep

Having melatonin, and cherries helps to fall asleep. Melatonin is essential to be able to induce our body to restorative sleep, so it will allow us to enjoy deeper rests and avoid insomnia.

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