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Chamomile: Properties and Benefits

Chamomile Properties and Benefits

Chamomile is one of the oldest medicinal herbs in the world and one of the most consumed in infusion. Its numerous properties have made it one of the most popular and popular natural remedies, especially for its digestive, soothing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antiseptic properties.

It is a thin root plant, with a branched stem with small, isolated leaves and floral head features of white petals. It can reach about 60 centimeters high and can be found in many countries in Europe and North Africa, as well as being cultivated in Western Asia.

In this article, we want to focus on the properties and benefits of chamomile so you understand why it is so interesting to our health.

Properties of The Chamomile:

The chamomile, also known as chamomile, has a wide variety of therapeutic properties, highlighting the following:

Properties and versatility allow it to be used in numerous forms and generate numerous benefits. Among the main benefits of chamomile:

Effective In The Treatment of Periodontal Diseases

According to a study by the University of Medical Sciences of Camaguey (2019), chamomile is a natural phytotherapeutic product that is used for the tempting inflammatory periodontal disease thanks to its healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, anti-allergic, and bacteriostatic action. The most effective chamomile varieties for this purpose are the Matricaria chamomilla and the Phania Matricarioides.

It’s Very Digestive.

Chamomile is one of the most popular natural remedies to relieve bad digestion, heartburn, or abdominal pains. A chamomile infusion facilitates digestion thanks to its power as a muscle and anti-inflammatory relaxant, eliminating discomforts such as nausea or vomiting.

To prepare the infusion of chamomile, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of flowers to 1 liter of freshly boiled water, let stand, and strain. He has to drink a cup of infusion three times a day.

Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety

For those suffering from insomnia, anxiety, or nervousness, chamomile can help them fall asleep and relax, as well as calm their mood and reduce stress levels.

It’s Useful For Controlling Diabetes

Chamomile is also used to control the amount of blood sugar or glycemic index. It is recommended to consume it daily in the form of an infusion.

Relieves Eye Conditions

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, chamomile is a good natural eye drop, being effective in relieving ailments such as hooks, tired eyes, and conjunctivitis, as well as being an excellent option to wash and decongest the eyes.

Eases Menstrual Pain

Thanks to its soothing power, chamomile is an ideal natural remedy to relieve premenstrual and menstrual pains.

Contributes To Strengthening The Immune System

The properties of chamomile help protect and strengthen the immune system by helping with infections and mitigating inflammatory states.

Helping Skincare

Its antibacterial action prevents the skin from becoming infected, while its anti-inflammatory activity reduces inflammatory processes. Thus, it is recommended to wash with chamomile infusion of superficial wounds, insect bites, irritations, and bruises.

The tannins and phenolic compounds it contains promote the production of collagen helping to delay cell aging. It is also recommended to make chamomile gargle for mouth infections.

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