The Myth Of The Better Half

The Myth Of The Better Half


The universe of love is plagued by myths and theories that have tarnished the original conception of what it is to love: to love someone, as it is, with their independence, their desires, and dreams. One of the oldest and most settled myths in society is the myth of theContinue Reading

What Is Love

What Is Love?


What is love? A great question that human beings have been doing for years, centuries, to become. And what exactly is it? This is a feeling that emerges between living beings (persons and animals) that appears after a close and habitual relationship. But we still don’t know exactly why weContinue Reading

How To Know If Anyone Likes You

How To Know If Anyone Likes You?


What is love? It’s such a complex feeling… it’s beautiful and painful at the same time. It makes us feel the most blessed people in the world and, at the same time, the most unfortunate people in the world. Just a look or a smile for our day to fillContinue Reading

How To Dress If You Have A Small Waist

How To Dress If You Have A Small Waist?


Girls with small waists tend to have some doubts when setting up their wardrobes. Many times out of ignorance and other times because they force themselves to use pieces that simply draw their attention. It is very common for girls to succumb to trends without barely assessing whether they favorContinue Reading

Creative Teen Girl Bedroom Ideas

Creative Teen Girl Bedroom Ideas


Creating a bedroom for a teenage girl involves more than just a place to sleep. As parents or caregivers, transitioning their space from a child-friendly zone into a teenage dream can reflect her growth and changing tastes. The challenge lies in designing a functional, stylish, and personalized area that suitsContinue Reading

Learn to Save Yourself First

Learn to Save Yourself First


Learn to give you the importance you deserve and save yourself first. Many times you freckle about thinking too much about others, but that has to end. From a young age, they teach us that it is the other people that you should be in the first place. In theContinue Reading