Health (Page 2)

Illusions Improve Our Health


What would we be without dreams? We have dreams of all kinds and woe betide those who do not have them. Dreams are desires to which a hope of materialization is attached. In this sense, recent research has shown how having dreams  significantly improves our health. Specifically, Álvaro Pascual-Leone , professor of Neurology at HarvardContinue Reading

Humor as a therapy to relieve stress

Humor As A Therapy To Relieve Stress


Humor is one of those elements that naturally helps us release stress. With it, big problems stop seeming so big, and people who could intimidate us seem smaller. In this sense, it can liven up any evening or brighten up any cloudy day. Thus, humor as therapy is a fundamentalContinue Reading

Childhood Anxiety: Symptoms And Treatment


Childhood anxiety is an increasingly common problem. The stimuli to which the youngest children are exposed are many and often poorly controlled by adults. On the other hand, the demands on many of them are great, greatly reducing the time they have to play freely in exchange for hours andContinue Reading

5 Keys To Reduce Anxiety In Children

5 Keys To Reduce Anxiety In Children


A child can experience anxiety very intensely, having fewer resources than an adult to regulate it. This is why, in many cases, they need our help. With this in mind, it is important to assess whether what the child is suffering from is anxiety before taking the next step. This emotion isContinue Reading

5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Water According To Science


Daily water consumption remains one of health experts and professionals’ main recommendations for leading a healthy life. There are many reasons and motives listed for drinking water. Now, why is it so necessary? “Thousands have survived without love, none without water,” said poet and essayist W. H Auden. However, drinkingContinue Reading

Adults Also Have Tantrums (Emotional Tantrums)


When we hear the words tantrum, most of us imagine a 2- or 3-year-old child lying on the floor and screaming. However, adults also have tantrums. Sometimes, they get “lost” in emotions, being unable to translate into words their frustration, envy, disappointment… For behaviorism, the school of psychology that studies human behavior based onContinue Reading

How To Talk To Children About Alcohol And Drugs

How To Talk To Children About Alcohol And Drugs


The problem of irresponsible alcohol consumption does not distinguish ages, and more and more minors are exposed. Anticipating will offer the child strategies to distinguish unhealthy proposals. We tell you how and when to talk to them, depending on the stage they are in. Talking to children about alcohol andContinue Reading

Female Infidelity VS. Male Infidelity


It is said that women cheat from the waist up and men from the waist down. Is this statement true? Can we determine how infidelity is considered according to gender? Is there a perception of female infidelity and another of male infidelity? What no one can deny is that, on average, women understand cheating inContinue Reading


Psychodrama: The Unique Way To Represent Problems


Psychodrama is a therapeutic tool in which dramatization is the main element. Children, adults, adolescents, and the elderly can participate in this type of therapy. It consists of connecting with the deepest part of ourselves and representing what overwhelms us. Thus, it is a creative way of solving the problemsContinue Reading