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Cannabidiol – Uses, Negative Effects, & More Of Cannabidiol (CBD)


In today’s world, Cannabidiol (CBD) is available in a wide range of goods and applications. Spas and cosmetic companies are adding CBD to their goods. Coffee establishments sell CBD lattes. Additionally, CBD edibles are available.

Researchers discovered that cannabis seeds traveled with nomadic tribes and traders back approximately 12,000 years in Central Asia, according to a study that was published in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience in 2020.

Cannabidiol (CBD): What Is It?

In the Cannabis sativa plant, CBD is a naturally occurring molecule. The cannabis plant genus is home to a wide variety of chemicals that can affect the body in a variety of ways.

Hemp and marijuana are two separate cannabis species. These plants also contain the compounds THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). In comparison to CBD, THC concentrations in marijuana are higher. Hemp is more CBD-rich than marijuana while being less THC-heavy.

CBD does not produce a “high” when consumed, unlike THC. In there is where the main difference is found.

That Means CBD Won’t Make Me High?

No, is the quick response. CBD and THC are the two primary players in the cannabis plant’s vast array of phytocannabinoids.

Junella Chin, DO, an osteopathic doctor and a medical cannabis expert for cannabis, explained that CBD is the non-psychoactive component of the plant and that it prevents you from experiencing any euphoric effects.

What Are CBD’s Health Advantages?

You can find people claiming that CBD has helped with a variety of health conditions, such as back pain, psoriasis, osteoarthritis, and even cancer if you read any CBD product reviews.

However, Epidiolex (cannabidiol) is the only CBD drug that the FDA has currently approved for the treatment of specific forms of epilepsy.

“Right now, all you have are pharmacies trying to figure it out and saying, ‘Yes, it works for this.'” But that’s not how medicine is practiced, according to Dr. Danesh. It should be founded on evidence, and these statements aren’t well-supported by a lot of data.

Trying Cannabidiol (CBD) for Pain Management: Is it Worth It?

Musculoskeletal and neurological pain is the two primary categories of pain, says Dr. Danesh.

Dr. Danesh stated, “There could be benefits for both conditions,” and he added that the problematic issue is that some studies suggest that CBD works best for pain when paired with a little THC. Depending on the type of pain you are experiencing, you might be able to use just CBD, but occasionally you require [both] CBD and THC.

Can CBD Treat Anxiety?

To assist reduce anxiety symptoms, CBD may be worth a try.

According to Dr. Chin, CBD tells your body to relax down and reminds you that you’re secure. It calms down the nervous system so that the “fight-or-flight” reaction isn’t heightened.

People who experience anxiety may discover that it makes them feel more at ease for this reason. Nevertheless, one of the biggest myths regarding CBD is that it’s a miracle medication.

Dr. Chin continued, “A lot of times, people believe CBD is a panacea, but it’s not. You should lead a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet. Not everything will be resolved with CBD.

Varieties of CBD:

“A tincture appears as a small liquid that is placed beneath the tongue, and you experience relief within 30 minutes. A pill, gummy, or baked product is edible if you desire to taste something, according to Dr. Chin.

When it comes to addressing and treating the underlying causes of your anxiety, a mental health expert should be consulted even though CBD may help with the symptoms of anxiety.

What Characteristics Should I Look for When Buying CBD Products?

At this time, there are literally hundreds of CBD companies, according to Brandon Beatty, founder, CEO, and executive vice president of Bluebird Botanicals and the U.S. Hemp Roundtable.

Beatty advises including an FDA disclaimer and warning section on the rear panel if the product is a dietary supplement.

It would be ideal if the findings of their independent lab tests could also be accessed, Beatty continued.

In the sector, quality control is a significant issue. To verify that the information on the label is accurate, make sure your CBD products are tested by a third party. A third party is a respected, unaffiliated business that is not connected to the business that is selling the product.

As an illustration, consider the 2017 JAMA study. A total of 84 CBD products were examined in the study, and it was discovered that 26% of them had less CBD than was claimed on the container.

If there isn’t one on the product’s label, look for a quality assurance stamp or a certificate of analysis from a third party, or visit the retailer’s website.

The Dosage:

Many people find the subject of dosage to be complicated.

The CEO and co-founder of Highline Wellness, Chris Roth, noted that many companies don’t do a good job of explicitly educating their customers on dosage.

This is crucial, according to Roth, because “the entourage effect” states that when several people work together, their combined influence is greater than the sum of their individual contributions.

The difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD is that the latter has no detectable THC content.

Contrarily, the isolate contains only CBD. With full-spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD), some people may only require 10 milligrams, but Roth said that with isolate, even 80 or 100 milligrams may not have the same impact.

Disease-Curing Claims

A hard pass should be given if the product makes a medical cure claim.

Any company that makes sickness claims ought to be avoided advised Beatty. If [they are making these assertions], it indicates that they are either unaware of the rules or are willing to break them.

Serial Number:

You know how every time there is a recall on raw chicken or bagged lettuce, you check the batch number to make sure the product you purchased isn’t making you sick? That ought to be possible with CBD products as well. A batch number needs to be written on each product by the manufacturer.

This is a key sign of whether they are adhering to proper manufacturing practices, Beatty said. In the event that the product was created wrongly, there needs to be a way to identify it so the manufacturer may issue a recall.

A Few Extra Ingredients:

As with any dietary supplement, you should be aware of what you’re taking in addition to Cannabidiol (CBD).

Purchase Locations:

In many jurisdictions, you may buy CBD products from supermarkets, petrol stations, and coffee shops. Then there are all the online merchants who sell CBD products. When in doubt, a trusted brick-and-mortar source for CBD is natural grocers.

Cannabidiol (CBD) – Is It Legal?

Hemp cultivation became authorized on a federal level in 2018 after then-President Donald Trump signed the Farm Bill, also known as the Agriculture Improvement Act.11

Therefore, Parrish added, “Consumers worldwide can cultivate hemp and utilize hemp products, and among those will be CBD if they’re compliant with their state.

It is unquestionably significant that hemp can now be farmed without restriction under federal law, Parrish continued. Although it is permitted by federal law, each state is free to establish its own regulations.

Is CBD Transportable?

At this point, Parrish asserted, “Flying with CBD should present no problems.” To be aware of TSA restrictions on the amount of liquid you can bring on an airplane, Parrish said, if you’re traveling with a tincture.

Parrish also pointed out that companies who abide by the Bill are free to transport their CBD products made from hemp anywhere in the country, just like you are free to mail Cannabidiol goods.

CBD and Drug Tests: Potential Hazards

As long as you purchase third-party certified CBD without added THC, according to Dr. Chin, CBD shouldn’t be detected on a drug test.

However, Dr. Chin made the observation that athletes, who frequently must submit to more exacting drug testing, “could potentially test positive” for minuscule quantities of THC if they’ve been taking CBD products.

The Dangers of Pregnancy and Use:

Use of CBD during pregnancy is not advised, to put it briefly. This is due to the paucity of studies on the subject.

According to a 2020 Frontiers in Pharmacology paper, pregnant women who use CBD products put their unborn children at risk. Any CBD products can contain additional substances that are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Forgo the CBD until your child is no longer reliant on you for nutrition. It’s usually a good idea to err on the side of caution when pregnant or nursing.

Is It Safe For Pets?

Do you have the urge to feed your dog one of those CBD dog treats? In general, we anticipate that CBD products will be secure, and they may even be helpful for pet anxiety.

But just as with humans, there is a shortage of studies when it comes to CBD products for pets.

Although I think there are some excellent items on the market right now, I’m not sure how to tell them apart just yet.

A Brief Overview:

It can have a stronger or weaker effect than claimed or only have trace levels of THC. Because the FDA does not regulate CBD products, if you use one, make sure a third party examined it for quality assurance.

While there has been considerable research on the advantages of CBD, there is still much more to understand about it and its advantages.

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