Aerobic Physical Activity Vs. Anaerobic Physical Activity: A Comparison

Aerobic Physical Activity Vs. Anaerobic Physical Activity

Exercise can be various types such as aerobic and anaerobic physical activity. No doubt they both are beneficial for your bodies. But they have different benefits according to how your body produces energy.

Aerobic exercise uses oxygen to improve your muscle strength. Through this, it improves heart rate and blood pressure rate.

However, anaerobic exercise doesn’t use oxygen for the improvement of muscle. It is also known as a short burst of intense physical activity.

They are both helpful for your body in different ways.

Aerobic Physical Activity:

Oxygen plays a major role in aerobic physical activity. During this activity, more oxygen is released to your muscles.

There are various other exercises are present but “aerobic exercise” increases breath rate as well as heart rate.

It is also known as an “endurance type” of activity. It improves your body to burn calories which is quite helpful for your body.

It involves different kinds of activities that are sustained for longer periods. Doctors suggested that a person should do 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per day.

Various activities that are involved in aerobic exercise:

Running: A simple way to stay fit and healthy. It helps to get your heart pumping.

Walking: Effective way to stay active.

Swimming: Full body workout.

Dancing: This fun activity to not get bored and maintain consistency.

Aerobic classes: To get a proper guide from a professional is very useful.l

Cycling: A great way to work on the joints of your body and to stay strong.

Pros of Aerobic Physical Activity:

Aerobic exercise is not just helpful for the body. It involves different functions for the brain. It helps by preventing stress and anxiety.

If you want to lose weight, then reducing calories is the most important task. Aerobic physical activity are useful for decreasing the amount of calories from your body. Maintaining a healthy weight is important to fight against lots of diseases.

– It improves muscle strength.

– This activity improves the amount of stamina and reduces fatigue.

– During this activity, our body releases endorphins, which help to boost your mood.

– Nowadays, each and everyone is suffering from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or any chronic disease. Aerobic physical activity can reduce the risk of diseases.

– It improves your lifespan by keeping the blood vessels and heart healthy.

– Doing regular exercise helps to keep your blood pressure within a healthy range.

– It has a great impact on mental health. It keeps the control response of the brain to stress and anxiety. During exercise, various changes occur in our brain, too, which are responsible for brain function. It increases the size and key function of the brain region called the hippocampus.

– It improves blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Cons of Aerobic Physical Activity:

  • It might be less beneficial for those who want to gain a large amount of stamina and muscle strength. In that case, you can add anaerobic physical activity to your work routine.
  • You may feel bored with repetitive exercises such as jogging, treadmill, etc. Here consistency plays a vital role.
  • Doing repetitive aerobic physical activity can lead to stress on the joints of your body.
  • This activity process needs your time commitment and consistency if you are planning to do it for a long duration.

Anaerobic Physical Activity

Before engaging in anaerobic exercise, you should have a basic level of fitness. It requires a short period of duration as it requires less than a minute at a time. It uses stored energy to fuel muscle strength.

During this activity, the body releases less lactic acid as a byproduct.

Whenever you are going to add this activity to your work routine, you should take concern from the doctor.

If your body doesn’t support then don’t overdo it. It is better to start this kind of activity with a professional trainer.

Various activities that are involved in anaerobic physical activity:

Weightlifting: Lifting heavy weights to build your muscles.

Plyometrics: It involves high-energy activities such as jumping and hopping.

Sprinting: high-intensity running goes under this category.

Pros of Anaerobic physical activity :

As high-intensity activities are involved in this exercise, it improves muscle strength.

– It can produce large amounts of energy in a short period.

– It is very beneficial to those who want to lose weight. It’s very helpful for burning calories throughout the day.

– It enhances metabolism even after finishing the workout for the day.

– It can lead to an increase in an athlete’s performance. Anaerobic physical activity can enhance speed, power, and agility.

– It improves your body to do more tasks and activities quickly without feeling tired and lazy. It can be very beneficial in sports competitions and everyday activities. It gives more power to your body.

Cons of Anaerobic Physical Activity:

– If you are not properly warmed up or do not use the correct form of exercise then it can lead to severe injury. It can lead to a higher risk of strains, sprains, or tears.

– This activity process is not for everyone. Especially those who are beginners in their fitness journey. It is not suited for everyone with certain health conditions.

– In this process, your body requires rest as your muscles need to repair and rebuild.

Similarities Between Aerobic Physical Activity and Anaerobic Physical Activity:

  • Both are used to improve cardiovascular health but in a different way.
  • During both of the activities, the body releases endorphins, which can help you to boost your mood and sleep.
  • Reduces inflammation through these activities.
  • They both are used to improve blood circulation in your body.
  • Reduces the risk of developing various harmful or chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Both can contribute to boosting your health, life, and well-being.

Differences Between Aerobic Physical Activity and Anaerobic Physical Activity:

Aerobic physical activity is best for improving cardiovascular health, but anaerobic physical activity is good for increasing muscle mass.

Aerobic exercise is great for increasing stamina; however, anaerobic helps you to increase power.

You can do activities of aerobic exercises for more than 30 minutes. It takes a longer duration to complete. In the case of anaerobic exercise, you hardly require 1 minute to do it.


Both exercises have a wide range of advantages for your body as well as your brain. National Physical Activity Guidance suggests that a person can do 75 minutes of aerobic exercise every week to stay healthy.

These activities can help you fight against various diseases.
