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A Different Fat Burning And Fitness Approach!

A Different Fat Burning And Fitness Approach

If you train your body correctly with the weights, then you would need to do cardio or visit that boring treadmill as often to keep your abs in shape.

No, I’m not talking about interval cardio, the weight training method has a HIIT (High-intensity interval training) feel to it. The F4X method that was highlighted in ‘Old School New Body’ has moderate weight as well as high fatigue training sessions with some short rests between the sets. By doing this, people can burn excess body fat and get pumped up muscles as well.

You have to take a weight with 15 reps, but you only do 10, rest for 30 seconds, and then do it again, and so on for 4-5 sets. On the fourth set, if you get 10 reps, then from the next workout, increase your weight. Keep noticing how those sets are like intervals with short breaks between them. You can also pace between the sets to burn extra body fat and calories.

There’s More to It…

Fat-burning Pathway 1 – The training style does great things for the growth of muscles via sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar expansion, as well as you also get loads of muscle burn. GH is a potent fat burner, the lactic acid pooling inside the body has a great effect on the growth hormone output. So, get ready to fire up the burning muscles to get your GH churning.

Fat-burning Pathway 2 – You can also get myofibrillar trauma which is the force generating strands in your muscle, if you do the reps correctly on every set. During recovery, you can force the need for extra energy by damaging myofibrils with slower and controlled negative strokes. In simpler words, while you are out of the gym, your body runs hotter as it revs up to repair the micro-tears.

Besides, you can use one-second positives as well as three-second negatives on a bench press (1 second up and 3 seconds down) on all 10 reps of all four sets to obtain that extra fat-burning trauma. It is the slow decrease that will help your body produce metabolic forcefulness after every workout. On the other hand, it also gives you 30 seconds of tension time which is a perfect hypertrophic time under tension (TUT).

Fat-burning Pathway 3 – If you are serious about getting fat-busting microtrauma, why not try the F4X sequence’s last set in X-centric style i.e. one-second positives and six-second negatives? You might have to shed some pounds but trust me it will be worth it. Also, try out 56 seconds of tension time and you will undoubtedly feel the results the very next day. You will have to go through the aching of the muscles, but it is a good indication that fat is burning.

Slower negatives for burning body fat micro trauma, F4X for a GH surge X-centric for fat extinction, and more under time tension. They all add up to the faster leanness of the body with less meanness. Yes, even as you age this solution works and is an ideal thing to maintain the fountain of youth.

So, train your body smartly and lead a healthy and fit life!

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