Selenium: Benefits and Property

Selenium Benefits and Property

Among the essential minerals our body needs, selenium stands out for being one of them. We are facing a mineral that we obtain thanks to the foods we eat and that acts in different biological processes of our body. The main benefit of selenium is that it is an ingredient that gives us a lot of antioxidants, so it helps us to enjoy a stronger and more protected organism from external aggressions.

In this article, we will offer you a list of the main properties and benefits of selenium so that, thus, you understand why this mineral is so important to our well-being. Take note.

What is Selenium and why is it important?

Before you talk about the main properties and benefits of selenium, you must know what type of substance we find ourselves. As we have already indicated, we are facing a mineral that is very important for the proper functioning of the human body. Selenium is a micronutrient that will help us keep the body in good condition and prevent the onset of diseases that appear due to age.

In order to enjoy a healthy and strong body, the EFAD (European Federation of Dietary Associations) recommends the daily intake of at least 50 mg of selenium. This mineral is introduced thanks to food, because it is a component that we do not create naturally and that, therefore, we have to consume by external routes.

Properties of selenium

Let us come in to know the properties and benefits of selenium so, so, to understand why it is such a recommended mineral in our daily lives. Here you go:

1. Ideal for heart health. Selenium is a perfect mineral for our heart system because it helps reduce the pathologies that affect the heart.

2. Speeds the metabolism. It is also perfect for our body to have better digestion and nutrients to be assimilated by the body.

3. Ideal to avoid asthma. People with asthma should increase selenium consumption, always under medical prescription.

4. Improves hair health. Another of the properties and benefits of selenium is a perfect mineral to remove dandruff and to hydrate and strengthen our hair.

Consequences of the selenium deficit

Including selenium-rich foods in the diet is essential to ensure that our body is in optimal health. If we don’t take enough selenium, our body may experience some problems like:

Bodily stiffness

– Heart problems

– Pain in the joints

– Risk of suffering viral diseases

– Appearance of psoriasis

Thyroid disorders

Foods rich in selenium

Finally, let’s indicate how you can get selenium thanks to the diet. In our day-to-day lives many everyday ingredients give us an interesting source of this mineral; here are some:

– Beef

– Garlic and onion

Wheat germ

– Nuts

Fish such as bonito and cod

Anyway, before making any changes to your diet, it is advisable to go to a doctor to do a thorough analysis of your health and detect your selenium levels. It is an essential mineral for the body, but an excess of it would also be counterproductive.


Lopez-Bellido Garrido, F. J., & López Bellido, L. (2013). Selenium and health: reference values and current situation of the Spanish population. Hospital nutrition, 28(5), 1396-1406.

Acosta, L., & St. Helena, L. (2007). The selenium. A bed, L. Laboratory Santa Elena, Uruguay: Available at: http://www. producionanimal. com. ar/suplementacion-mineral/95-selenio. pdf. Consultation date, 8(01), 2014.

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