Many people suffer daily from constipation, a discomfort that, in the long run, can trigger more serious discomfort. In this article, we give you some ideas so you can create a healthy menu to combat constipation.
The fiber
The key to combating constipation is fiber, a substance that must be present at all our meals. In fact, a World Journal of Gastroenterology study noted that the increase in fiber consumption helped patients with constipation to defecate more regularly.
The fiber, which is fashionable today, and we can see it added to many products, we found it in the following foods:
- Fruits, especially ripe fruit
- Vegetables
- Legumes
- Cereal integral
- Fruits and dried fruits and seeds
On the other hand, they do not contain fiber the refined products and those of animal origin, such as:
- Cereals and flour refined
- Meat
- Fish
- Eggs
- Milk and Dairy Derivatives
Therefore, the menus will be based on a correct combination of food, so that we always make sure a sufficient amount of fiber in our dishes.
On the other hand, it is important to mention that these menus will only help if the cause of constipation is the lack of fiber. Constipation may also occur for other reasons that must be identified by the doctor.
The Water
When we increase fiber consumption we must take into account that it is essential to drink enough water throughout the day, precisely to prevent constipation from getting worse. We’ll drink at least 6 glasses of water out of the meals.
If we previously eat a few fiber-rich foods, we may notice even more constipation in the early days, but this is only because the intestines have to adapt to that change.
To help our body, during those days we can take a magnesium chloride supplement or perform enemas with water, although the most important thing is that we drink water during the day.
If constipation continues or gets worse after you have incorporated fiber into your diet, check with your doctor. Some studies have shown that in the face of idiopathic constipation, it may be necessary to reduce fiber intake or directly restrict it.
Breakfasts to reduce constipation
Breakfasts are the time of the day when we usually abuse more refined flour, as we usually choose white bread sandwiches, pasta, or refined flour pastries, etc.
Therefore, we offer you seven alternatives, one for each day of the week or for you to choose your favorites, which not only contain fiber but are very complete, nutritious, and healthy:
- Wholemeal bread sandwich (wheat, spelled, rye, or various cereals) with cheese omelet
- Wholemeal toast with tahini (sesame paste) and avocado
- Bowl of yogurt with oat flakes and nuts
- Smoothie made with banana, apple, milk or vegetable drink, flax seeds and honey
- Brown rice cakes with peanut butter and jam
- Homemade pastries made with wholemeal spelt flour and oat and cocoa drink
- Buckwheat flour crêpes with plum jam
Meals to combat constipation:
Meals must always be balanced and we must never go hungry, even though we have to try to avoid being too full. The idea is to stop eating when you would still eat a few more bites but no longer hungry.
- Monday: Lentils with brown rice and varied salad with olive oil
- Tuesday: Spinach with pine nuts and raisins and grilled white meat
- Wednesday: Whole wheat pasta with cream sauce, mushrooms and nuts
- Thursday: Quinoa with tomato sauce and baked fish
- Friday: Eggplants stuffed with onion, cheese, and tomato sauce and rocket and parmesan salad
- Saturday: Whole wheat pizza with cheese, tomato, onion, olives, pepper and egg
- Sunday: Cold chickpeas salad, wild rice, cherry tomatoes, grated carrot and guacamole
Dinners to combat constipation:
Dinners should always be light so as not to overload the liver, which is also closely related to the intestine. That is why we offer the following options:
- Monday: Cream of vegetables and oats and hard-boiled egg
- Tuesday: Salad with seeds and omelet
- Wednesday: Grilled onion and mushroom soup
- Thursday: Beet salad and carrot cooked with peas and mayonnaise
- Friday: Baked fish with vegetables
- Saturday: Brown rice cakes with vegetarian pate
- Sunday: Baked apple with cinnamon, yogurt, and a handful of nuts
What do you think of these ideas to combat constipation? If you suffer from this discomfort regularly, check with a nutritionist. This article simply tries to be a guide to improve punctual or mild discomfort.
All the sources cited were thoroughly reviewed by our team, to ensure their quality, reliability, validity, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific precision.
- Mayo Clinic Staff. Nutrition and healthy eating. (2018)
- Trusted medical advice from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Fibra: how to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. (2017)
- World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Dec 28; 18(48): 7378-7383. Published online 2012 Dec 28. Effect of dietary fiber on constipation: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i48.7378
- World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Sep 7; 18(33): 4593-4596. Published online 2012 Sep 7. Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i33.4593
This text is offered only for informational purposes and does not replace consultation with a professional. In case of doubt, consult your specialist.