What Foods Produce Gases? Know Them And Reduce Their Consumption

What Foods Produce Gases Know Them And Reduce Their Consumption

Gases are one of the most common health conditions and the most inconvenience they cause. Abdominal inflammation and expulsion of bursts or flatulence are some of the most common consequences of this alteration of the digestive system. To avoid the onset of gases, nothing better than making certain changes to the diet so you can reduce your presence in your stomach.

In this article we want you to know the foods that produce gases so that, in this way, you can reduce their consumption or avoid them at the end of the day. In return, we will also discover what foods are ideal for reducing gases and which you can take whenever you want. Take note.

Foods To Be Reduced Because They Produce Gases:

If you usually have stomach gases you must know what foods produce gases. You shouldn’t eliminate them from your diet, as some are very nutritious and healthy; what you should do is reduce their consumption and never take them late in the day, as the body slows down.

Here’s a list of the foods that produce gases:

Legumes: they are foods rich in fiber and, likely, the body will not be able to properly assimilate its large dose of fiber.

Whole grains: In this category comes integral rice, whole bread, whole pasta, etc.

Coles: Within the group of vegetables, we find that cabbage is the most flatulent. Tano the bruse cabbage, as cauliflower or broccoli produces a lot of gases, so you will have to control its consumption.

Vegetables that produce gases: there are other vegetables that, due to their contribution to fiber, also usually cause gases. The best-known are lettuce, artichokes, peppers, and turnips.

Gas drinks: if you tend to accumulate stomach gases, forget carbonated drinks. They don’t provide nutrients to your body and, on the other hand, they do include a large supply of gas that builds up in the stomach. Avoid soft drinks and beer and opt for juices, natural water, etc.

Fat-rich foods: are also very harmful to people who usually have gas accumulation. Fatty food is not digested correctly in the body and can therefore cause gas to appear in the stomach. Avoid fried, bouncing, and sweets, to opt for a lighter, easier-digestion diet.

Dairy: another of the foods that produce gases is undoubtedly dairy, especially if you take them whole. Many people do not tolerate cow’s milk well and therefore it is best to avoid their consumption or move to the vegetable.

Also Read: Gastroenteritis: What It Is, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

Foods That Do NOT Produce Gases:

On the other side of the coin, we have foods that do not produce gases and that are highly recommended in your case. The most optimal for your state of health are the following:

Light animal proteins: such as chicken, fish, or turkey. Usually, you should opt for low-fat protein so your stomach can digest it well. Always cook to the plate, baked or steamed, and avoid the sauces.

Probiotics: They are also highly recommended in case of gas in the stomach. Snathed yogurts, soy milk, or kefir will help improve your intestinal processes.

Hard or cooked egg: it is a food very rich in healthy proteins and is very easy to digest. Always take it hard or cook and avoid your preparation in scrambled or fried.
