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4 Smoothies to Include Avocado in Your Diet

4 Smoothies to Include Avocado in Your Diet

Including in our diet smoothies with avocado not only gives us vitamins and minerals, but they are also incredibly delicious.

If you have eaten this fruit alone or by adding salt or in a salad, this is your perfect opportunity to enjoy it in a new way.

Below we will show you a series of smoothie recipes with avocado that serve different functions.

1. Avocado, Milk, Yogurt and Almonds

The first of the smoothies to include avocado in your diet brings you three great benefits that you won’t want to overlook if you’re one of the people who:

It is advisable to accompany this smoothie with a specific exercise routine to reach your goal.

It provides a good amount of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper) and vitamins (A, B6, C, D, E, and K, folic acid).



2. Avocado Debugging Beat with Apple

You can create delicious purifying smoothies by just mixing avocado and apple.

There are many benefits to consuming these types of smoothies, the main one is that they will help you remove all the toxins from your body.

As an additional bonus, your high fiber content helps you lose weight and avoid or reduce discomfort from heart problems and cholesterol.



3. Banana and Avocado to Fight the Heat

In addition to having great nutritional benefits, this smoothie is exceptional to combat the heat of summer.

However, despite being delicious, it is not convenient for you to exceed your consumption.

The ingredients are very healthy but also very high in calories. Therefore, we recommend that you only take it on days of a lot of physical activity.

This way you will take advantage of all the energy it provides and prevent it from accumulating in the form of fat.



4. Tropical Avocado Bat

This shake is also great for hot days or when you want an interesting flavor.

Seeing the ingredients you may not think that orange can be combined well with banana and avocado, but give this mixture a chance.

You’ll see they combine wonderfully to create an exquisite drink. It is also very simple to prepare and a good alternative for lactose intolerants.



As you can see, preparing smoothies to include avocado in your diet is very simple and allows you to add very healthy foods.

Try these recipes and tell us what your favorite was and what else you recommend.

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