Fitness Lifetime

4 Methods To Polish Your Wooden Floors With Homemade Products

Are you looking for homemade methods to polish your wooden floors? You should know that at home you have some very effective options, such as vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, or detergent to wash the dishes.

Discover in this article 4 methods that will simplify this task. We give you the recipes and also some important tips for the wood to be perfect and last long in good condition. Keep reading.

4 Methods To Brighten Your Wooden Floors

The wooden floors give a warm, rustic, and cozy look to any stay in our home. Although they require specific care, they also promise long conservation if we treat them in the right way.

With the right tips, we will manage to keep the wooden floors ideally looking. We will only have to polish them with the specific products we quote below which, in addition, they are mostly natural and homemade. In addition, in this way, we do not unnecessarily expose ourselves to components that could be toxic when inhaled.

1. Vinegar And Essential Oil

First, vinegar is a natural and homemade ingredient very common in the cleaning of the home. In addition, we choose to combine it with some essential oil to camouflage its smell and, at the same time, aromatize the stay simply and pleasantly.

2. Olive Oil and Vinegar

The second method we propose is the combination of two basic ingredients in our kitchen: olive oil and vinegar. If we wish, we can also add essential oils to our liking to give a special aroma.

The mixture of oil and vinegar is ideal for in-depth cleaning and, at the same time, brings plenty of shine to the floor. However, if the manufacturer recommends dispensing with water for that type of wood, we will use only the first two ingredients. We can shake them well inside a bottle of spray.

3. Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

In this third method to polish your wooden floors naturally, we choose to replace the vinegar with lemon juice. This citrus fruit is characterized by its great antiseptic power, fresh aroma, and its ability to shine thanks to its enzymes.

4. Detergent and Vinegar

Detergent and Vinegar To Polish Your Wooden Floors With Homemade Products

Finally, a practical and homely method, although less natural than the previous ones, is to mix the detergent we use to wash dishes with vinegar. This option will be used on wooden floors that are not very delicate and have a lot of dirt.

Tips To Brighten Your Wooden Floorings:

Finally, once we have already decided on the method of cleaning the floor, we will take into account the following indications:

Now we know 4 methods to polish the floors in a homemade way and that last a long time in good condition. In addition, these latest tips will help you make cleaning more effective and the result much more blurry. Try them and you’ll see the results from the first moment.

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