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White and Creamy Discharge: Causes and Treatment

White and Creamy Discharge
The presence of white and creamy vaginal discharge may be a sign of an infection. However, it is also considered normal before menstruation and during pregnancy.

The smellless and creamy white discharge, in most cases, will not be a cause for concern. Their presence is considered normal in women of reproductive age who are in the final stages of their menstrual cycle.

However, it is sometimes a sign of a health problem. Especially if you are accompanied by other symptoms, such as bad smell. In that case, chlamydiasis or bacterial vaginosis may be suspected.

For a certain diagnosis, ideally a visit to a gynecologist. In this way, the professional will be able to evaluate the characteristics of the discharge and take a sample, if necessary.

When is White and Creamy Discharge Normal?

The glands of the vagina and cervix segregate small amounts of fluid every day. When it goes out, along with peeled cells, that liquid is known as vaginal fluid. Under normal conditions, it will be light or white and without smell.

The function of fluids is to lubricate the vagina, clean and remove old cells, as well as prevent infections. Overall, women are estimated to segregate around a teaspoon of vaginal discharge a day.

Menstrual cycle variations affect the characteristics of female discharge. The action of hormones and the body’s need to fulfill reproductive function, modify the conditions of the uterus and vagina.

After ovulation and even before menstruation, it is normal for the discharge to be white and creamy. It’s a sign of fertility that could be indicative of the release of an egg.

On the contrary, after menstruation, the discharge will tend to become transparent, yellow, or a little brown. Sometimes, coloring happens by the mixture with traces of menstrual bleeding. It’s a sign of the period of lower fertility.

The Main Causes of White and Creamy Discharge:

The white and creamy discharge before menstruation is normal. It takes that aspect because it contains more white blood cells, dead cells, and bacteria than at other stages of the month. It is a mechanism of the body to clean the area of unwanted microorganisms and substances.

Another common reason for the pregnancy is pregnancy. This discharge is known as Leucorrhea and is due to the increasing hormone levels recorded during pregnancy. Fluid production is increasing, as it is a way to increase the protection of the uterus and, in turn, the baby.

In certain cases, it may also appear during or after sexual intercourse. This may be the result of vagin lubrication during intercourse, female ejaculation, or because the dates are close to menstruation.

White and Creamy Discharge: When is It Abnormal?

As a rule, when the white and creamy discharge has a bad smell, it means there is some health problem. The same applies if there are other clinical manifestations such as itching, irritation or redness of the vaginal area.

This is almost always believed to be a sign of candidiasis, a fungal infection. However, it generates a discharge with lumps, similar to the cheese. The possible causes of an abnormal white and creamy discharge are the following.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

This condition is a type of vaginitis caused by bacteria. It makes the white and creamy discharge more abundant. Even this can take on a greyish tone and a strong smell of fish. The latter is the most characteristic symptom of the disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Diagnosis, this condition increases the risk of getting STDs.

  • Clamidia

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that affects men and women. In addition to generating discharge with these characteristics, it causes bad smell, burning when urinating, and pain during sexual intercourse. If it spreads, it causes pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and fever.

According to one of the last reports of the Spanish Ministry of Health, in 2019 17, 667 cases of chlamydia were diagnosed between men and women, with a majority of cases in persons under 30 years of age. These figures reveal an obvious upward trend compared to previous years.

  • Vulvovaginitis

A creamy white discharge accompanied by inflammation and sensitivity in the genital area could be a sign of vulvovaginitis. This word refers to inflammation as such, but its cause is usually an infection with fungi or bacteria. In certain cases, it derives from the use of some irritating substance or garment.

  • Trichomoniasis

According to a publication by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), trichomoniasis is the most common curable sexually transmitted infection worldwide. When this condition occurs, the discharge is altered. It goes from a white color to a greenish or yellowish tone. It is a sexually transmitted infection that also causes a bad smell and vaginal itching.

  • Physyings

The presence of anomalous fistulas or anomalous openings between the genital tract and the intestinal tract sometimes leads to changes in vaginal secretions. These are formed for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Crohn’s disease.
  • Damage to the vagina during childbirth.
  • Radiation therapy in the pelvis.
  • Tumor in the pelvis.
  • Injury during pelvis surgery.

According to a publication of the Mayo Clinic, this condition can lead to a series of complications. Fecal incontinence, vaginal irritation, bad odors, or abscesses are among the most frequent.

Treatment of White and Creamy Discharge:

Whenever the white and creamy discharge is accompanied by annoying symptoms, it is indicated to consult with the gynecologist to explore the reasons. Also if there is a significant modification in the color or texture.

Treatment will depend on the cause of it. The doctor often conducts an initial interview and reviews the medical history. Then, it proceeds with physical examination and other complementary diagnostic methods.

Once this has been done, it may suggest treatments with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungals, or others, as the case may be. These may be tablets or creams, as required. Only in a few cases have injection treatments been given.

Final Recommendations:

You hardly need to do a treatment for the white vaginal discharge. However, if there are any questions or if there are other symptoms such as bleeding, irritation, or pain, it is better to consult the gynecologist. While it may not be an emergency, it is better to intervene quickly.

Ideally, every woman should maintain good hygiene in the genital area, especially during menstruation. It’s important to have safe sex. You should not use vaginal showers or other similar products, nor are you very tight clothes. All of this helps prevent difficulties.

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