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Running For Pregnant Women

Running For Pregnant Women

The classic thinking about pregnancy is that pregnant women should rest and not exercise too much. However, recent research suggests that running for pregnant women can have many beneficial effects on the health of both mother and baby.

Physical exercise is essential to keep our body and mind in their best condition. This, which is important in all phases of life,  becomes essential when you are developing a life inside you. Although not all types of exercise are safe during pregnancy, running is a very good way to stay healthy during this stage.

Running for pregnant women: why you should practice it

Pregnancy doctors recommend that expectant mothers get at least 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity most days. According to the American College of Gynecologists (ACOG), this practice reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and the chances of needing a C-section, among other things.

Running for pregnant women reduces anxiety associated with pregnancy, improves the development of the baby’s brain, and helps childbirth occur more quickly and less painfully.

How to start practicing it

If you weren’t a great runner before your pregnancy, chances are that just thinking about going out and exercising makes you feel like you’re not going to do it. Plus,  running for pregnant women can be exhausting if not done correctly .

Because of all the changes your body is going through during this stage, it is necessary to start exercising gradually. Experts on this topic recommend doing some type of light strength training the first few days, and starting with cardio using a treadmill or elliptical. This way, the transition to physical activity will be easier.

Once you’ve built up some strength, you can gradually ease into running. Start by running for ten minutes a day and gradually increase the time. In the end, the most important thing is to listen to your body.

But is running safe for pregnant women?

In general, running during pregnancy is not dangerous. You will find out for yourself what makes you feel good and what makes you feel tired. The good thing about running for pregnant women is that it is very difficult to overdo it, so you will never have any serious problems.

However, there are some situations that you will need to be aware of. For example, if you are experiencing severe joint pain, you may need to slow down, warm up better, or stop running altogether. The same goes for if you have had any complications during pregnancyin which case you should consult your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle (including running).

Tips for pregnant women who want to go running

Below you will find the most important tips to make your new running practice a pleasure and not a torture.

1- Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your cardio session is essential to maintaining your body’s well-being. In this regard, don’t be fooled: even if you don’t feel thirsty, when you run you are losing fluid and all kinds of minerals through sweat, so you should drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty.

2- Stay cool

Wearing appropriate running clothing is always important, but it becomes essential when it comes to running for pregnant women. Use clothes that are cool and allow you freedom of movement , taking special care to ensure that they do not cause chafing or discomfort.

3- Be careful with changes in balance in your body

As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll notice your center of gravity shifting as the baby grows inside you. Especially in the second and third trimester, you’ll need to be careful not to trip over yourself because of these changes in your body.As we can see, running can be an excellent way to stay healthy and fit during the months of your pregnancy . However, at this important stage, it is essential that you listen to your body and consult your doctor if you have any concerns about your health or that of your baby.

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