Site icon Fitness Lifetime


You should understand the links we are using on this website are affiliates. It means whenever a user buys a product from our website in the given link, we will receive compensation. We are not forcing any user to buy from our website only. This is all up to the user whether they want to buy the product or not. Even more, we always guide the customer to do their research on the product so they can get 100% effective treatment.

You should note that we are not responsible for any side effects of the given product. We are creating genuine reviews according to the research and customer viewpoints but we are not a hundred percent sure whether the product will work or not. It is advisable to every user if you have any doubt about the product or its manufacturers, ingredients, or whatever. You can contact directly to the manufacturer’s company and clear your issues.

On our website, you will receive both internal and external links which are affiliates and some for optimization. We always advise users to read the privacy policy, terms, and conditions carefully before placing an order from a third party.

Whenever the user visited our site we collect the information without personal motive. We will guarantee all information you will share on our website will be safe and kept under the SSL security system. Our team of experts always handles the personal information of the users and assure it will not share with a third party.

What Do We do With The User’s Information?

We have no concerns about your personal information but the purpose of collecting information is to stay in touch with our customers and give them the best user experience when they are searching for supplements and their problem solutions.

With Collected information, we will easily generate the top searches for the user so they can take benefit from it. On the other hand, this helps the users to find their product in minutes which just better their health and wellness both. Most importantly it will secure time while purchasing the product. Because you are getting everything under one roof, the reviews as well as the buying details.

We will never force clients to buy from our website only. This is all up to the users. We respect our client’s safety thus we always do our best to make our users happy.

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