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Causes of Foam in the Urine and When to Seek Help

Causes of Foam in the Urine and When to Seek Help

You may sometimes notice that your urine has bubbles or foam on its surface. This may create some concern, as it is usual that the yellow of its colors vary, but without presenting other changes in its appearance. Foam in the urine is a symptom that is due to different causes, some benign and others related to kidney or systemic problems.

The key is to assess the persistence of this demonstration. If the foam in the urine appears occasionally, there’s nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if it happens frequently, it may be an indicator of some health problem. In this case, it is indicated to consult with the doctor.

We analyze the main causes of foam in the urine, what diseases can cause it, and when to seek help from a specialist Keep reading.

Causes of Foam in The Urine:

Foam in the urine is a finding that usually does not cause printing unless the bubbles are very visible or make a frequent symptom. In this sense, it is considered normal that after urinating a layer of foam or bubbles is observed, which disappears quickly in 1 or 2 minutes.

However, when this characteristic changes and becomes more noticeable, it indicates that something happens in the body. Some of them are not of greater importance, while others may be the result of acute and chronic diseases that merit specific treatment. Let’s look at the main reasons that cause this symptom.

1. Pressure on urinating

This is the most common cause of foam in urine that occurs occasionally. It happens because a person contains the desire to urinate for a long time and, when he does, the liquid is expelled very strongly. This causes the toilet water to shake and create bubbles.

One way to check if this is the trigger is to wait a moment before emptying the toilet. If the foam is diluted in a couple of minutes, the cause is most likely.

2. Dehydration

Dehydration is another likely cause of foam in the urine and is due to increased concentration in solution levels. This occurs when you do not drink enough water during the day or intense physical exercise is done without taking the right amount of fluid.

The usual thing is that urine is also seen as concentrated, that is, very murky and dark-colored.

3. Chemical reaction

Cleaning products are used in toilets and reacting to the presence of urine when foaming forms. One way to check is to urinate in a clean container to contrast.

However, you should assess whether it only appears after the bathroom cleaning. If you want to prevent it from happening, it is advisable to use natural cleaning products such as vinegar or even sodium bicarbonate.

4. Drug consumption

Some drugs produce changes in the characteristics of urine, especially in its color. Some medicines cause foam in the urine, such as phenazopyridine which is used to treat pain caused by urinary tract infections.

On the other hand, frequent and excessive use of over-the-counter medicines, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs, could cause foam in the urine. This may affect good kidney function. Hence the importance of consuming them only at the right doses and for the time indicated by the specialist.

4. Semen in the urine

The presence of semen in the urine also gives rise to foam and changes in its color, although this is a rare cause. It happens when there are small amounts of semen that enter the male urethra; sometimes by retrograde ejaculation, and so many because the prostate is inflamed.

5. Urinary infection

The urinary infection occurs when bacteria manage to colonize the tract. If this is the cause, the bubbles in the urine will be accompanied by other symptoms such as:

If observed, it is necessary to go for an evaluation with the doctor. This professional usually indicates a urine test to determine if it is an infection. If so, the use of antibiotics is necessary to eradicate the causative bacteria.

6. Proteinuria

Proteinuria is the presence of proteins in the urine, usually 1 g/day. It usually affects between 8 and 33 % of the population. It can appear transiently and benignly after doing intense physical exercise, due to sudden changes in body temperature or excessive ingestion of proteins.

However, it could also be a sign of some problem in the functioning of the kidneys, untreated high blood pressure, or diabetes. It takes the kidneys not to be able to fully fulfill their function. In these cases, early treatment is essential to prevent the problem from evolving.

So, if proteinuria is the cause of this finding, the formation of white foam in the urine will be more evident, very similar to that of beer. In addition, it usually takes at least 5 minutes to disappear.

What Diseases Cause Foam in The Urine?

In addition to the above causes, other serious problems in the kidneys can lead to the presence of foam in the urine. It happens because the function of the organ is to eliminate waste products and excess blood water.

If the kidneys are damaged, proteins, that belong to the blood, can also leak and generate bubbles in it. Here are some kidney diseases that generate this manifestation:

Other systemic diseases may also encourage the presence of foam in the urine. Among these:

When suffering from any of these pathologies, foam in the urine becomes common. If you notice this symptom, in addition to other manifestations of care such as swelling of the hands and feet, blood in the urine and decreased appetite, you need to go to the specialist for a general evaluation.

Foam in The Urine: When to Worry?

If the foam in the urine only occurs from time to time, there is nothing to worry about. It may only be convenient to review the habits of urination or hydration. On the other hand, if the sparkling urine appears very often, it is right to visit the doctor. The causes can be many and several of them are pathologies that require diagnosis and approach as soon as possible.

The consultation is more urgent if, in addition to foam in the urine, there is pain or burning in urination, changes in color, decay, fatigue, fever, and other additional symptoms. In the case of diabetic people, this anomaly requires an intensification of complication-tracking protocols.

If you look at this symptom during pregnancy, don’t hesitate to consult with the specialist. At this stage urinary infections and preeclampsia are common. Preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. If not treated, it can trigger serious problems in pregnancy, including fetal and maternal death.

What To Do to Remove Foam in The Urine?

To remove foam in the urine it is necessary to treat the origin of the urine. Faced with this, the doctor usually indicates a urine test, to evaluate parameters such as the presence of leukocytes and proteins. Depending on the results, the professional may indicate other specific studies to establish the treatment.

Now, if this manifestation is related to dehydration or exhausting exercises, it is enough to hydrate properly and maintain a healthy diet. It is essential to clarify the cause for eliminating this symptom.

A Finding You Shouldn’t Overlook

Noting a layer of bubbles over the urine in the toilet is usually normal. It usually responds to transitional conditions such as dehydration, urination force, or chemical reactions. However, if the foam contains several layers, it takes to disappear from the toilet and is often observed, it is best to go for a medical check-up.

Foam in the urine is an indicator to be paid attention to. It may not be the most enjoyable thing, but giving a glimpse should become a habit. With this simple exercise, you can assess some aspects of your health, especially kidney functioning.

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