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4 Ways To Increase Sexual Desire

4 Ways To Increase Sexual Desire

Daily worries, accumulated tension, low mood, conflicts in your relationship, or simply routine can decrease sexual desire. This, in turn, affects your relationship and can cause conflicts and misunderstandings. That is why expressing how you feel is so important in these types of situations.

On the other hand, it is normal that with time the search for passion diminishes and the desire to experience is no longer played with. However, this does not mean that it is the most appropriate thing. Eroticizing our minds and exploring and trying new practices to fan the flame of passion will promote an experience of sexuality of great intensity, in addition to having positive effects on the relationship.

Psychologist and coach Mertxe Pasamontes says that the first way to increase libido is through thought, that is, you have to think about sex. To do this, we can resort to sexual fantasies or erotic literature, for example. As we can see, increasing libido is possible if we resort to certain strategies. In this article, we will discover 4 ways to increase sexual desire and thus improve intimacy with our partner.

Causes of lack of sexual desire

There are numerous studies related to the causes of sexual desire, as there are many factors that influence it. When facing a loss of sexual desire in our relationship, it will be essential to start by identifying the problem. Some of the main causes may be the following:

So, once the problem has been identified, there are different measures to solve it. Below we propose some of them.

1. Use of medicinal plants

Some plants help to reactivate blood circulation, leading to general well-being and increased sexual drive. For example, ginseng increases the body’s overall energy, which leads to stronger erections in men or greater sensitivity in the clitoris in women. On the other hand, cardamom, which is very rich in zinc, stimulates testosterone and greatly improves semen quality.

2. Foods to improve sexual desire

In addition to the above remedies, some foods can increase sexual desire. Some of them are dark chocolate, honey, strawberries, mango, oysters, asparagus, red wine, or cinnamon. The aphrodisiac properties of these products can help us revive our sex life.

3. Practice physical activity

Leading a healthy lifestyle will increase our general well-being, which will result in greater sexual desire since a sedentary lifestyle can be one of the main causes of loss of sexual appetite. In light of this, physical exercise can improve our libido as it stimulates circulation, and this causes better erections and an increase in arousal levels. In addition, practicing sports allows for greater testosterone production, which will also lead to a more active sexual desire.

Among the physical activities we can do -although all are perfectly valid-, one of the most recommended to achieve these goals is yoga. This type of sport will help us enjoy more fulfilling and satisfying intimate relationships. Practicing yoga improves blood circulation and the muscles of the body, causing an increase in flexibility, arousal, lubrication, and stress reduction.

4. Stress reduction

Daily stress can cause a loss of sexual desire. Therefore,  any exercise, activity, or strategy that relaxes us will improve our sexual relations because it will promote the release of tension and a predisposition to enjoy intimate encounters with our partner.

Meditation, mindfulness, massages, or deep breathing exercises help to increase sexual desire. It is also highly recommended to find a practice that can be easily done daily and that we can fit into our schedule.  Otherwise, our stress levels may increase when trying to find time to do it. In addition to all of the above, it is also essential to sleep well, since resting reduces our stress levels.

As we can see, there are different ways to increase sexual desire. It is best to try to identify which method best suits our situation. However, if the decrease in sexual desire persists, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

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