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10 Curiosities About Orgasm

Orgasms are part of our daily lives. Although, curiously, they are a taboo subject in society.

We all know that an orgasm is the intense feeling of pleasure experienced during sexual intercourse. Or we can also define it as the feeling of fullness in which we merge with the other. Physiologically, it has a liberating effect on accumulated pleasurable tension.

But, although we know a lot about what orgasm is, we don’t know much more about it. For example, not all orgasms are experienced in the same way.

Today we bring you one of the most viewed conferences on the Internet, with 12 million views, about orgasm.

Mary Roach, writer, and popularizer, talks to us about some of the most peculiar curiosities related to the field of sexuality that have been investigated,   in this case, those related to achieving sexual climax.

Mary found herself on the list of the 10 best-selling and recommended authors in 2008 in the USA with her book “ Bonk, the Curious Coupling of Science and Sex ”. The first word of her book, “bonk”, is a slang term meaning “to fuck” and it did not go unnoticed, perhaps it was one of the reasons why thousands of readers were willing to buy it.

Mary Roach, with her sense of humor, which is good at dealing with these kinds of issues and making light of the matter, offers us a talk that is not to be missed, and we encourage you to watch it. However, we offer you some of the most interesting ideas from the conference.

10 facts about orgasm

In the video, they point out, among others, these 10 curiosities about orgasms:

1. Babies masturbate in the womb.

2. To have an orgasm you don’t need to play with your sexual organs.

3. You can have orgasms after death.

4. It can cause bad breath.

5. It can cure hiccups.

6. At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors recommended orgasm to increase fertility.

7. Danish farmers still do this with pigs. They even have posters and DVDs about it.

8. Female animals enjoy orgasms more than we think.

9. It is not easy to study orgasm in a laboratory…

10. But yes, it is fun.

It is a curious and pleasant talk, full of humorous notes that make you not blink while you are watching it.

We don’t want to spoil everything for you, we’d rather you watch the video and make up your mind, but the author tells us some curious things, such as how she interviewed a woman who claimed to have orgasms just by thinking about them. She asked her, “Could you give me a demonstration now?” To which the woman replied, “Wait until we finish lunch!” Then she demonstrated it to her on a park bench.  These types of orgasms are known as cerebral orgasms or ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response).

Another woman got orgasms every time she brushed her teeth and another just by having her eyebrows stroked. These facts support the idea that we can get pleasure not only through penetration but there are thousands of other ways that can help us. We just have to be willing to experiment and feel.

The author even gives us recipes for artificial semen that she has found throughout the literature. Mary Roach even shows us an excerpt from a video in which a Danish farmer stimulates a sow to achieve orgasm and therefore be more fertile. Curious, isn’t it?

He also tells us about the Kinsey experiment, one of the pioneers of sexual research, which is well worth reading, or about the machine invented by Masters and Johnson, the couple who studied human sexual response.

But since a picture is worth a thousand words, we’re leaving you with the video so you can check out what we’re telling you and discover many more things. Laughter is guaranteed!

 In the meantime, we give you some tips to help you enjoy sex:

1. Don’t make sex monotonous, be creative and invent new things that you both like.

2. Talk to your partner about what you like and what you don’t like. Sex is not just about having sex. Talking about sex with your partner is just as important as having sex.

3. Know yourself first. If you know yourself well in the sexual field, you will know what you like and what you don’t. Forget old myths and taboos.

4. Remember that there are no fixed rules in sex. The important thing is that you and your partner feel comfortable and in tune.

5. Read about sex. It will allow you to open your “sexual intelligence” and appreciate it naturally.

6. Don’t forget about foreplay. It’s essential for having a good and pleasurable sexual relationship.

7. Don’t do anything you don’t like or that makes you feel uncomfortable. Talk to your partner about it.

8. Find the moment when you are both most relaxed and in the mood.

9. Forget about complexes. None of us have a perfect body, sensuality, eroticism… lies in a thousand things, the complicit way of looking, of kissing, of caressing. Feel comfortable with your body and let yourself go.

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